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Hi, I have a 1st class 6 day pass that I intend to start using in a week. I would like to know from experience how others have found the travel around Switzerland by train? Already have plans to visit a number of areas in a week so as I understand it:

  1. Each day I want to travel I need to use my phone and add the train journey to it (so Basel to Zurich for example as a journey in the app)
  2. Certain tourist type trains (such as the Bernina Exp). require a seat reservation too.

One question, with the 6 days I know I can use them any day in a month but I will be using them one day after another so do I have to plan journeys in calendar order? So can I make a seat reservation on the Bernina Exp. say on the 17th today, add to the app as a journey and then tomorrow add a journey to the app for the 14th? My pass is set to be active from the 12th.

Many thanks for thoughts and advice

Switzerland offer a own offer that is more valuable as it covers all kind of public transport Swiss Travelpass (even more discounts on the mountain rails)

Reservation have nothing to do with the app you can book reservations at any time.

I recommend to add journey´s only as last as possible to the app as nobody know what happens and you can´t cancel a travelday on itself. :/

Travelling by train in Switzerland is really great. The trains run often and they are punctual. Is there anything specific that you wonder?

Hello Anna. Other than adding a journey each time I want to get on a train, do any of them (other than the tourist trains) require a seat reservation?

There is no manadatory reservations on domestic trains in Switzerland other than on the tourist trains. 

On most of the tourist routes there is also a possibility to use regional trains that don't require a reservation. You can find more information about that here:

On IC trains it is optional possible to reserve-single persons hardly ever do that-but it is common to have halve/whole cars set aside for class/school outings-this is overly clearly marked. REServed seats will be marked on tiny screens as such

And as above-in fact when I checked a week or 2 ago due to another one asking, it turned out that due to current low demand these special extrapay touristy cars were not running, but in summer this may be re-installed.
