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I have an Interrail global pass for two months. My home country is Germany and I’m planning to do one trip around Italy, come back home for a while and then to another trip around Europe. My question is: will I still be able to travel after the first trip? (since my outbound/inbound journeys will be used already) For example could I buy a ticket to the border and the use my interrail pass from there? Or does my pass “expire” with my 2 used outbound/inbound journeys?

thank you so much! :)

I just answered to this exact question earlier today 🌞


Am billigsten waere -selbstvrsdl- das 9€ ticket fuer die andere Reisen-bloss das das NICHT bis zur Grenz-tarif-punkt guelt sei, nur bis zum letzten echten BHF (ausser bis nach Basel SBB im NV). Was je nach Wohnort und Wunschziel ganz unterschiedlich auswirken kann.

I had a 2 monthpass last autumn and did 8 trips in/out of my country-all shorter trips (also due to covid then) of 5-6 days. But I have a season off-peak ticket for own country that covers it.
