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Hallo,  Would like to visit France, looking at travel from London, via Paris or straight to Strassbourg, visiting small town such as RIBEAUVILLE, then onto Marseille, then to Barcelona, back to Bordeaux then onto another place, before heading back to London.  Given France asks for reservations, can anyone let me know if it is worth going or do the reservations take a lot of cash?  I am planning to go 1st class.    Any help greatly appreciated.


You’ve chosen the two most challenging interrail countries in Europe though, France and Spain. TGV (High speed, long distance trains between the big cities) can sell out some days, on popular dates even weeks in advance. A bit of planning is necesarry, when wanting to take TGVs. Count an extra seat reservation cost too. Without seat reservation, you won’t get on any TGV.

But challenging, does not mean impossible. TGV is always a good option, on longer distance. But a bit pricey and unflexible.

The only reservation you really need far in advance is that one of the Eurostar (London-Paris or London-Lille, and back). Get it as soon as possible.

In France, you can travel reservation free, but you’ll be solely using TER (Train Express Regional). Not requiering any reservations (or a very small fee, TER NOMAD - to and from Normandy).

Use to plan. Go to further options in the planner, click Type of Transport and unselect “High Speed Services” (and maybe Intercity trains).

Barcelona by regional train is also possible, passing by Perpignan, Cerbère (Fr) Portbou(Es) with TER and Rodalies (avoiding a very expensive seat reservation on the infrequent TGV to Barcelona).

Note that TER usually do not have 1st class, except in the Grand Est Region (around Strasbourg), nor any catering options. Although I find the TER seats rather comfortable, especially compared to other regional trains in Europe.

If Paris is not a mandatory stop, I'd definitely consider the Lille route. That way you avoid the transfer in Paris which is always a bit stressful.

- 45 min in advance for passport control

- Eurostar London St. Pancras - Lille-Europe 11:04 - 13:26 38€ seat reservation (1st class)

- TGV Lille-Europe - Strasbourg 14:03 - 17:37 10-20€

- and onwards to Ribeauville if you'd like : the bus from Sélestat is included as it is run by SNCF.

As said book Eurostar ASAP (limited quota), you can best check availability and book here :

A 1st class pass will be good value as 1st class tickets for high-speed trains are usually expensive. Unless your trip is planned for October-November
