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United States delivery of Eurail Paper Pass

  • 27 August 2022
  • 1 reply

This is an update for those in the United States who have or will order a Eurail Global paper pass.

Eurail shipped the pass to the United States in a very timely fashion after the order.  It arrived in the United States on August 11. Here is where it encountered a significant delay in U.S. Customs. I recieved notification on August 26th that the parcel had cleared customs, and now is in the U.S. Postal system, which means another 4-5 days before arrival.  Total transit time in this country will be 18-19 days.

So my lesson learned is plan ahead early.  I am still a couple of months from my travel date, and I am very glad I ordered early.

Hope this helps if you are in a similar situation.



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

What does customs has to do with this? But I am not USA.

Also: it is as for now still ;possible to buy a paper EUrail on the spot-in just a few mins at some major Interconti airports in Germany and Swiss. Alle types/varieties and at same price (the posted price in€ of course).
