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I have used my first inner country travel day to leave from home to a foreign country. Before ending my entire trip I will head Home though for a couple of days. Afterwards I will leave home to other countries again.


Here are the options: I could of course use the inbound trip when I return home in that setup, but I would rather use this home country trip to leave from home again (basically a 2nd time) a spontaneously start again In a new country (and buy an extra ticket for returning home).

» is it possible to Use both of those travel days (inbound & outbound rule) to travel from home to other countries or is it impossible to book such tickets?

You can travel in your home country on any 2 of your travel days. You choose yourself which days.

You can travel in your home country on any 2 of your travel days. You choose yourself which days.

The days - sure - but the definition for directions is not so clear. Any official definitions or experiences?


Neither your first answer nor this link contains any specific information regarding the initial question. Nowhere anything is said about leaving your hometown twice - it is just a “can be used" or even “Keep in mind that when you want to travel from one country to another, and you have to travel through your country of residence, the app wil apply both the inbound and the outbound journey to this trip.” - where the latter could imply that direction matters.

The app only measures how  many days you have travelled in your home country (max 2) and not which direction. You can use your days either as totally in your own country (eg to or from an airport) or in your country and others. Travel within a day does not have to be continuous or sequential, so you are free to use these days however you wish.

 Although the original guidance was based on a single excursion during your pass, that has now been overtaken with cheap flights and in-country train deals offering opportunities for multiple excursions.

If, like me you are 4 miles from local airport I often have no need to use both I/O days, so they are all used in non-home countries.

You are mixing up old rules for paper pass and new-designed for easy use of the app-on new style mobile. Alter Stil auf Papier kannste sofort gleich im DB-Reisecenter kaufen-und dabei auch noch sofort viele RES vornehmen. Je nach Wohnort/Grenze kannste-das soll doch ziemlich selbstverstdl sein-bis 31/8 auch mit 9€ im NV fahren+sparen, teils sogar auch noch bis über jene Grenze.
