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So, I’m in a bit of an unusual situation: I am both a Dutch and New Zealand citizen, born in NL but grew up in NZ. I’m flying back for two months in July, to see family and friends.

In the 50% off flash sale, I bought an Interrail Global Pass, with the idea of using it to travel around NL mostly, and occasionally pop over into Belgium or Germany. When I bought the pass, I had to enter my address and used my friend’s address in NL, because I’m going to be staying with her mostly and New Zealand wasn’t an option. You could only select European countries. 

Fast forward a few weeks, and I’m flicking through the Terms and Conditions, which say that you’re only allowed one trip in to, and one trip out of, your ‘home country’. So suddenly this pass isn’t viable anymore, because I’m not going to be travelling that much to other countries. Is there a way to change or get around this? I’ve been waiting almost two weeks for an email back from Interrail. 

If there isn’t a way I can use the Pass multiple times in The Netherlands, is there a way I can transfer it to someone else? I have another friend who’s travelling around Europe at the moment, and they’d be able to make great use of it. 


Hope you guys can help me out!

Guy van Egmond


As your country of residence is NZ you are not entitled to use an Interrail pass, no matter that you are a Dutch citizen.  You should have bought a Eurail pass. However, if you travel with your Dutch passport, noone will question that you use Interrail. But, as you correctly noted, you only have one outbound and one inbound travel day in your country of residence, in this case the Netherlands. 

You can't transfer the pass to someone else and the passes from the 50% sale are neither refundable nor exchangeable. 



So I’m screwed then, basically? Unless I change my plans and decide to explore Europe instead…

The only other option is to not use it this time, and to go back some time in the next year and travel Europe instead. Because I’ve got a year to use the pass, haven’t I?


Thanks for answering my question though, Anna!



So I’m screwed then, basically? Unless I change my plans and decide to explore Europe instead…

Exploring Europe can be nice

The only other option is to not use it this time, and to go back some time in the next year and travel Europe instead. Because I’ve got a year to use the pass, haven’t I?

You need to activate the pass no later than 11 months after purchase. 


Thanks for answering my question though, Anna!

No problem. I hope your travel will work out well.

