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Bonjour, nous sommes un groupe de scouts de 39 personnes et nous aimerions prendre un interrail de 4 jours sur le mois de juillet. Nous partons de Belgique (Liége Guillemin ou Bruxelles) et nous allons a Pula en Croatie puis nous rentrons en Belgiques. Mes questions sont: - Est-ce que c'est possible d'avoir des réductions pour un groupe aussi gros. - Comment pouvoir esquisser des itinéraires sans devoir acheter les interrails a l'avance. -Et est-ce que vous pouvez nous faire l'itinéraire si je vous communiques les villes dans lesquels nous voulons nous arrêté?

No idea if discounts are possible. You can ask customer service, or better watch out for any promotions. I hear there's one starting this Friday.

You don't have to buy a pass to plan a journey. For international planning, the Deutsche Bahn planner is one of the best. Additionally, if you want to avoid expensive reservations, avoid France and Italy. Travel via Germany and Austria.

Highly doubt if a pass will be worth it for making this as return. Much better to contact a specialised agency-it will also mean a BIG problem to get the needed REservations for such a big group-this is not NMBS/BE where this is common practice in the vakanties.

Also train to PUla is very, very restricted-is not that that half-isle hanging down but have to pass SLO for HR. Use a planner like for an overview of what connections are shown. Yes-you can board at that superwhite Calatrava bow-span gare of Guillemins-ICE to KÖln and onward.
