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Just for information - it turns out that while have cool new recliner seat/beds on their sleepers they are not included in the Interrail scheme so you have to book them at full price.

With a 1st class pass at least - you can book a sleeper for 1000 NOK as a flat fee.  this is good value.  Or you can book a seat for free.  Also good value, if not optimal for an overnight journey.

On the leg that I wanted to book today there were no sleepers left so I asked about the lie-flat beds and the price would have been 1,949 NOK as they are not included in the scheme.

I reckon this is probably just because the agreement hasn’t been updated as it makes no sense for 2 classes of travel to be bookable, but the 3rd one to be not bookable.

Did you ask Vy or Entur? In any case, also ask the other one, to see if they agree.

If Vy said “no” but Entur can book a reservation only, then there's no problem for you.

If Entur said "no” but Vy says it's possible, then ask Vy how you can book and confront Entur with Vy's answer.

If both agree that the reclining seats cannot be booked with Interrail/Eurail, then ask Vy when they will make it possible. Indeed, it's rather strange that this category between seat and sleeper wouldn't be available for pass holders.

I believe there are other examples of overnight sleepers in Europe where some options are not available to pass holders - Trenitalia ICN excelsior cabins - but these may be first class holders only. I am happy to be corrected.

I have also seen that the interrail reservation service can also have limited berth choices compared to other reservation services - again Trenitalia ICNs.

I believe there are other examples of overnight sleepers in Europe where some options are not available to pass holders - Trenitalia ICN excelsior cabins - but these may be first class holders only. I am happy to be corrected.

There are a few examples indeed, but usually it's the more luxurious categories.

I have also seen that the interrail reservation service can also have limited berth choices compared to other reservation services - again Trenitalia ICNs.

That's just another reason not to use the Interrail reservation service. Booking via DB, ÖBB, NMBS etc. doesn't have such a limitation.

The first time was with, and I tried it with chat on last night but got the same response - it’s not possible to book a recliner with an interrail.

I dropped a variety of named folks in a mail to see if they can clarify the situation.  I’m pretty sure it’s an oversight on their part.

Does anyone have any useful contact emails in (or that might get some attention?

Yorkie - yep, as indicated above, the normal situation with the likes of Eurostar and Trenitalia is that you can book “normal” and “good” class, but not “the very best”.  What we have here with is that we can’t book “good” class but can book the other two.



Booking a reclining seat is possible now. You can now also book it on (1 person only for now), price is NOK 600.

Thanks for the update.  I’m just back from the trip, but it’s good to know if is available for future trips.  I would like to think my ongoing campaign of asking and asking and asking (at and paid off in some way.

On the day in question I ended up with a disastrous train-replacement-bus trip across Sweden & Norway, including a ~€400 taxi fare from Storlien (covered by VY or SJ or someone, but not by me) and was too late to catch the train in Trondheim.  Luckily the taxi driver dropped me off somewhere else along the way and I got to Bodo in time.  Sitting in a seat for the night was the least of my problems on that day.  There’s a story in there somewhere.
