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Hi All, im brand new to this and have just bought a 3 month global mobile pass. So here’s my first question of no doubt, many more.

What is a “trip”. My wife and I plan to travel from Liverpool, through Germany, France then on to Malaga, and back to Liverpool in a three week period, staying at various cities. Is this “one trip”?

Or is each leg of that journey a trip? i.e, Liverpool to Paris is one trip. Paris to Nice is another, Nice to Montpellier  another etc etc.  So confused……..😕

A mobile pass has to be connected to a "trip”. If you mean this trip, then it contains all train journeys that you will make during the validity period of your pass. So all journeys in the 3 months. You can add journeys to that trip every time you take a train.

Ok, thanks. So, to be clear, I create a “trip” on the mobile app and call it, lets say Liverpool - Malaga - Liverpool and connect my pass to that trip. 

As i plan each leg of the journey, I add it to Liverpool-Malaga-Liverpool. Does that in turn generate something to show the train guards on inspection. 

Before boarding a train, you need to add the applicable journey to My Pass, using the yellow switch that is visible in My Trip. After that, a "ticket” is generated, which you can show by going to My Pass and then tapping on “Show ticket”.

I usually just call my trips "Spring 2022” or something similar, but that's entirely up to you :)

Side note, seeing your name-and be proud of this heritage. However, there have been a few complaints that the system will not accept the ¨ in your name as script. I think the answer was to simply not use it, but it may clash with other notes.

Ok, thanks for that. I’m not really sure what you mean by the yellow switch visible in my trip. I have a yellow “+” but thats just an option to edit, add a journey etc. 

Also, would you advise just booking “journeys” as we go along?

Also, would you advise just booking “journeys” as we go along?

That's what I always do. Usually just before boarding the first train of a journey.
