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What is the return address?

  • 7 July 2022
  • 1 reply

I need to return a pass as the country of residence was printed wrong. The refund procedure on the website worked fine, I received my refund number and now only have to send the ticket, but I now have two different addresses. For days I have not received an answer as to which address I should send the ticket to.

There is the return label that came with the tickets, with the address:
Eurail. B.V., Int. Business Return Service, I.B.R.S./C.C.R.I. No.7, 3500 ZA Utrecht (NL).

However, on the website I was told a different address after the process was completed:
Eurail. B.V., Pass refund, P.O. Box 2338, 3500 GH Utrecht (NL)


please can anyone help confirm which address is correct? Has anyone sent a pass back in the post before? Your help will be much appreciated!! 

@Nanja please help

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

The second address is the correct one for refunds.
