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I am planning to travel and use my pass from the 25th of December to the 27th of December. But today when I checked my phone I was surprised to find that my pass has been activated and the Validity period is from 25th Nov to 24th Dec. I'm devastated and can't deactivate. what should I do in this situation to avoid losing my 200 euros? Also, I did not use any of the travel days.

This is one of the reason why you shouldn't activate the pass until just before boarding the first train of your travel. Then there's no risk that you activate the pass on the wrong month. 

That's really unfortunate. It's easy to make a mistake with the month if you're not looking closely. I've done the same with a flight in the past, and arrived a month late.

According to the terms, this can't be refunded, unfortunately. You could try asking customer service if there's anything they can do, as @Al_G suggested.

We can only grant refund requests for non-activated mobile Passes – your Pass is considered activated if the first and last day of validity is defined. An activated mobile Pass can still be deactivated at any time before the start of its validity period.

It does normally mean that you went through the entire activation procedure and explicitly chose 25 November as the start date of the pass validity.

Somewhat off-topic but if you wish to travel around Christmas & New Year I'd recommend booking seat reservations ASAP to avoid disappointment (when required at least).

If you'd like some advice post your plan and we'll gladly help.


Only Customer Support can help you with this. Contact them through the form below.
