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When does the toggle switch appear in my journey saved in the app

  • 12 February 2023
  • 2 replies

I have my app on my phone all set up and ready to activate closer to the date of travel. I have added my proposed journeys into My Trip and booked and printed seat reservations where they are needed.

My question is I can’t see the grey switch to toggle when I want to add the journey to my pass. Will this only appear once I have activated my pass?

Am I right that on the day of travel I flick the toggle switch to yellow to generate the QR code for all journeys on that particular day?

Thank you in advance for your answers! As an older lady it is sometimes difficult to get your head around this stuff!

Yes, it is only shown when there is an active pass on the app.



You can always activate your pass to satisfy yourself and then deactivate it, and any travel days created, until the day of travel (once you know you will be boarding your first train of course).

Just for info if you toggle a train before travel you can simply remove it by reversing the operation. This is very useful if you change your mind to catch an earlier or later train, or even a different destination. 

You cannot though reverse a travel day after 2359 on the previous  day, even if you eventually do not use it. Also you cannot deactivate a pass after 2359 the day before your first travel day.

This is why we advise the final activation and creation of any travel day until you are 100% certain you are travelling that day.
