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Where is order page with prices and options?

  • 21 April 2022
  • 5 replies

I’m finding this website very frustrating. I want to find the page to order my passes but all I can get is endless pages asking for my dates and itinerary. I don’t have my exact dates and have only a general itinerary. We don’t like to travel with a set itinerary and that is why we used to like Eurail since we could just decide at the last minute where and when to go.

Anyway, I would like to find a page which lists all of the options and prices without entering my itinerary.

Any help?

Global passes:

One country passes:

Thanks for this information.

Is there a menu option to find these pages?

I couldn't find one.

Is there a menu option to find these pages?


Eurail passes > Global Pass

Eurail passes > One Country Pass

Unfortunately that Menu option doesn’t take me to the prices page. It takes me to a cluttered page with lots of information and options (but no prices). If I select “Find the best Eurail pass” it takes to to a trip planner page which requires lots of information to enter (four fields) and then it asks for an itinerary on another page… I give up at this point.

I would just like to look at the prices.

The direct links above are better. Could you just link to them from a menu option?

The direct links above are better. Could you just link to them from a menu option?

These are the links I found when I follow the menu options I gave in my second post. They're both 2 clicks from the home page:

