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Which trains am I able to use

  • 25 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello, I hope this is not to silly of a question but I am really anxious about booking as I do not trust I am looking at the right things.

I can see and know about certain booking reservations (which some are mandatory like the Euro tunnel trains) and also where to look at the train times on the app.
However I am not sure WHICH train I can use or would be using and also I cannot seem to book it on the app too. I am not sure if it is because maximum reservations have been made using the pass or if I am doing something wrong.

I also see that some of the reservations are 30+ Euros for trains as short as 20minutes is this because I have not applied a pass?

Hope this makes sense, I don’t like to ask too much but it is quite expensive to mess these things up :)

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

The list of which train companies you can use is here

You can use the Trip Planner on the app or Eurail website - if it shows ‘Not in Pass Network’ then you can't use that train. (Generally, the trip planner isn't good for planning, better to search timetables elsewhere, but for this use it's quite helpful)

And for reservations, check out this helpful page. It has the reservation costs for most trains, including yours on how to get around them.

You can't avoid the high reservation fee on the Eurostar to / from London (unless you fly/ take the ferry etc), but you can avoid it between Amsterdam and Brussels by taking the slower Intercity trains
