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We want to go in an hour. But we can not get our qr code. 

Hoi Rian,  vandaag van de verzekering te horen gekregen dat we alle onkosten vergoed krijgen. Het wordt nu toch als onvoorziene omstandigheden gezien.  Na een klacht en we konden aantonen door de screenshots,  hebben we kunnen bewijzen, dat we geen internet verbindingsproblemen hadden.Het probleem moet in de niet goed werkende apps gezeten hebben. We reizen nu met papieren tickets.🍀 😊


@Mukhammad @Camilo. which ADR body can be used when someone isn't satisfied with customer support? The conditions of use don't specify it, although consumers have the right to use one. Is it De Geschillencommissie? If not, which one?

Hi there! 

It is specified on our conditions. Picture below.

Thanks! I must have missed that.


@Mukhammad @Camilo. which ADR body can be used when someone isn't satisfied with customer support? The conditions of use don't specify it, although consumers have the right to use one. Is it De Geschillencommissie? If not, which one?

Hi there! 

It is specified on our conditions. Picture below.


Dat gaan we zeker doen..

Wanneer de verzekeringsmaatschappij weigert uit te betalen. Ook zij kunnen aan de hand van de verschillende screenshots en mailcontacten zelf zien, dat de internetverbinding niet de oorzaak was dat de treinpassen niet goed werkten.

Wanneer je autopech hebt, zeggen ze toch ook niet" je had er rekening mee kunnen houden dat je auto onderweg kapot zou kun gaan". En met een defecte treinpas wel!

Het enige wat Eurail te doen heeft, is te schrijven, dat bij nader inzien, het geen netwerk verbindindingsrobleem was. Ze hoeven niet te liegen. Zij hoeven ook die overige kosten niet te betalen. Heel vreemd ons de schuld te geven....

Dit klinkt allemaal nogal vreemd inderdaad. Ik zou hiermee naar een geschilllencommissie gaan, aangezien Eurail niet meer verder wil.

@Mukhammad @Camilo. which ADR body can be used when someone isn't satisfied with customer support? The conditions of use don't specify it, although consumers have the right to use one. Is it De Geschillencommissie? If not, which one?

hoi rvdborgt Very disappointed in Eurail.

We got our money back for the traintickets from Eurail. 

For our insurance compagny we needed only the answer from Eurail that they would not refund our hotels etc .because of booking conditions. But in the answer Eurail wrote that it was our own fault, because we had insuffient network problems.

This is why the Insurience company doesn't want to pay us anymore,’ because we had to take into account that our network would not work! It's a problem you have to take in account. This is not an unforseen circumstance” wrote Aegon. 

I asked for a new answer of Eurail if they could write, that after investigations it was not a network problem. They refused! It was an network problem, they remained saying.

And that is not true! We could do everything with our mobiles, we had good internet connections, we mailed with Eurail, the comunity , the chatbox and even had activated our Eurail passes, because they started well and activated our second trip, we wanted to do on the 20th of april. So the passes stopped working on the two different phones and we have two different providers. So how is that possible insufficient network conditions????

Eurail has let us down.

So this is the proof we had connection with the passes: We could not use the second trip on the 20th.


Yes, I have understand it. Friends told me that it had to be a bug. 

It's only very sad  that it happened. Now we are at home and are hoping that the insurence will cover the costs of the unused hotels…

Yesterday the Insurence computer answered after one second I  had claimed, that they would not refund. I had to mail again, I'll hope it isn't true....

An app update (version 30.4.0) was released on Friday (or Saturday) I believe, and it mentions bug fixes in the release notes. If you have automatic installation of app updates, then this is probably why the pass is now shown again. It also makes it clear that it was really a bug in the app.

Very strange....I will never rely on a mobile pass anymore. 

Saturday evening the Eurail pass of my husband "worked" again. The trip was back, the pass was back and all our trips were showed again. 

This happened in my mobile Eurail pass half an hour ago.…

We only go for a paper pass now. This is unbelievable 😯

We have also too less days left to make our planned trip and I dare not to travel with the knowledge the app will not work again...this is too stressful.


It's still a problem, the passes don't work. But Eurail offered us the refund of our mobile passes, at the moment that we buy paper tickets. That's OK for us. We want to try to travel to Italy in June, as klimat neutral as possible.

@Camilo.@MukhammadCan you please look at this. The traveller did unfortunately need to cancelled the trip, but you need to investigate what happened.

Hi @Bianca Linders 

Please send me a private message, we will look into this. 

Have a lovely day!


I have been informed this case is being handled internally in Zendesk. 

Nice weekend!

@Camilo.@MukhammadCan you please look at this. The traveller did unfortunately need to cancelled the trip, but you need to investigate what happened.

Hi @Bianca Linders 

Please send me a private message, we will look into this. 

Have a lovely day!

@Camilo.@Mukhammad Can you please look at this. The traveller did unfortunately need to cancelled the trip, but you need to investigate what happened.

We have both Android 10 version.

I'm sorry you had to take this decision but I understand.

Just for information: do you both have an iPhone or an Android device? I have the impression that the iPhone app version has a lot more problems than the Android version.

Because we didn't believe in an solution anymore, we decided to  break up our fresh started holiday of one trip of 15 and bought a normal trainticket home. 

This gave to much stress and we needed the holiday. And we didn't want to make more costs of our cancelled hotels. Now it was still easy to travel home, but when such happens in a small village in the south of Italy, it would be much harder to go back without a working eurailpas.😥

I hope Eurail comes with a good solution with a  refund.

We are very disappointed.

Thank you. We are doing that.

When we add our pass again it's not possible it says, because the pass is there already. 

Send a screenshot of that message to customer support, if you haven't done that already (reply to a previous mail of theirs, so it goes into the same support ticket). In any case, they have to solve it because it looks like you can't visualise your pass anymore. Keep pressing them for a solution.

Because our plannend  trips are gone, we have to plan the new trip. That looks possible. Then we press done and then is the steen empty with only details and arrow.

When we add our pass again it's not possible it says, because the pass is there already. 

This may be a similar problem:

In any case, try to add you pass again.

The screenshots are interesting, and this is a strange problem indeed, but please answer all my questions. They are there for a reason.

  1. Additionally, what do you mean by "When we try it manual”? Please describe what you do step by step.
  2. What happens if you add your pass again?

When we make a trip, we got a empty screen. We tried a lot of steps. Today one travel day is taken and we could not make a trip. All our trips are away. When we try it manual, we see the empty detail screen. When we renew the app, it says that we already have the app and pass. It's hopeless and it's the same on my husbands mobile. Very strange...

@Bianca Linders The community can only help you if you share your screenshots here and if you answer the questions asked.

Also tried messenger, but no advice  helps.😥

I repeat: if you want help, then please answer all questions. Mag ook in het Nederlands.

That is also valid for whatever customer supports sends: it may be that their advice hasn't helped yet, but you should send them feedback on every advice they send you, so they know what the effect is, even if it is nothing.

You didn't answer @rvdborgt questions though... He doesn't work for Eurail so he can't see what you've sent by email.

We won't be able to help you otherwise
