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Why not make it easier?

  • 14 December 2022
  • 2 replies



I have been travelling with 4 day pass, since my travel time was very limited. After I had used 3 days of my travel, my phone broke.

I had to replace the old phone with new one to be able to continue my travel, and I try to logg in to the app. I discovered that there was no way to logg in to the app from my new device. 

I didnt know how to contact IR at that time, and there was no informaton in Terms and Conditions that you can only use your pass from the same device. I think this system is rather complicated, if I could not fix it myself.


I think in this keys I should get some refund or be able to use my last ticket at other time.


My ticket expires 17th of December but in this time I cant use it becouse I am working now.


I know that Interrail/Eurail are working on making the process for moving the pass from a lost/broken device easier, but I don't know when or how that will be done. 


The information about what to do if you lose or break your phone is in the FAQ for Interrail.


THink of this the other way-as this most often shows the answer on many such questions: how can they prevent double use of a pass when it was made too easy? Anyone can claim the fone was lost/stolen/broke/whatever. But as is so often the case-people only start reading and asking when the facts are there and not for ´just in case´. An old-style paper pass would be lost for the rest days if it as lost/stolen/whatever. In many respects it is a copycat of that for the new style mobile.

That is also the reason why in many cases normal tickets are non-refundable at all once ordered online.
