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Wrong birthdate on pass

  • 14 July 2022
  • 2 replies


yesterday we discovered that our dates of birth are wrong on our cards. We want to leave on Saturday (tomorrow), just judging by all the responses, customer service will not respond in time. Is there a possibility to adjust it yourself? Because traveling with wrong data doesn't feel good.


You need to deactivate your passes. Then you need to ask Customer Support for help. They might help you or they might say that you need to exchange your passes.

Use the form below to contact Customer Support. Clearly write that you will be travelling within 2 days and write pass numbers and the information you need to get changed. There is no guarantee that they will fix this, but hopefully.


thank youwe have indeed already emailed with our details. hopefully we will get an answer in time as this is the only way to change it.


You need to deactivate your passes. Then you need to ask Customer Support for help. They might help you or they might say that you need to exchange your passes.

Use the form below to contact Customer Support. Clearly write that you will be travelling within 2 days and write pass numbers and the information you need to get changed. There is no guarantee that they will fix this, but hopefully.

