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I really need help urgently. I put in a trip on the wrong day into my interrail pass. Now I can not cancel it anymore. I can prove that I did not travel that day! But the travel day is just “gone” and i can not use it anymore. 

Please I need help because I need all travel days! I really need to use that travel day this sunday (october 15!)

This forum cannot cancel your travel day. Please contact customer service ASAP and say it's urgent.

This forum cannot cancel your travel day. Please contact customer service ASAP and say it's urgent.

Okay thank you! But I really need help today! Since i guess no one will be able to help me during the weekend! i sent a mail to the customer service but i really do not have 5 days to wait for an answer

Okay thank you! But I really need help today! Since i guess no one will be able to help me during the weekend! i sent a mail to the customer service but i really do not have 5 days to wait for an answer

The weekend only starts tomorrow evening :)

Customer service prioritises requests according to urgency.

@Nanja, could you make sure this customer gets help in time?

Hi Cynthiamat, I see that one of our Customer Support agents assisted you with getting back the travel day already. Have a great trip! :relaxed:
