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I need help relly urgently. I put in a trip on the wrong day into my interrail pass. Now I can not cancel it anymore. I can prove that I did not travel that day. Interrail does not respond to my E Mails and at the train station they can not help me. What can I do?

Kind regards,


Please I really have to go home tomorrow and I do not know what to do. I just put in the wrong date I did not use that day! Thank you in advance!

Hi Juli,

What is your order number so that we can find your message to our customer service?

Do you have other travel days in your Pass that you can use to travel? If yes, do that and we will restore the wrong travel day later.

Thank you so much for replying!! The order number of my interrail pass is JMJ3ZP. I have no travel days left unfortenatly. That is the last day I wanted to use to get home. I put in a travel day from vienna to frankfurt on the 29th of August but wanted to go on the 1st of September. 

Thanks so much again!

Hi JuliGrue, due to holiday leave I was unable to reply to your message myself, unfortunately. But I am happy to see you have received assistance from my colleague Leo. I trust the issue has been sorted. If not, do not hesitate to let me know. Cheers,
