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I am looking into purchasing tickets. I am 26 but will be 27 by the time we travel so was looking at the youth pass. However I also have a 4 year old who will be 5 by the time we use the pass.

I can't seem to purchase the youth pass and the kids one as it says you need to be 18 (which I am).


So my question is, do I need to pay for the adults one even though I fall into the youth age bracket in order to get the kids pass?


Sorry if there is a question like this already answered I couldn't find it!

Thanks everyone! 

Free child passes are only available together with an adult pass. A youth pass cannot be combined with free child passes.

rvdborgt is right. It's not possible to get the child pass with a youth one - that's basically a feature of the adult ticket. You can travel as two youths or an adult and a child. 

It all depends on where you want to travel-many countries offer much more reduced child tickets, but this is too complicated and exhaustive to simpkly put here.

The youth/junior pass was aimed squarely at young students and gradually however the MAX age has been gone up. Tipically people who do not have kids in tow.
