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Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

Hi Folks,

I’m David from Melbourne and, together with my wife, Tegwen, we are planning a european holiday to celebrate our retirement. We left the UK in 1983 and lived in Africa and the Midddle East for 10 years. We moved to Australia 30 years ago. We are starting at Perugia where one of our nephews is getting married in May 2024. The plan is to move on to Florence, then Lugano, Luzern, Lausanne in Switzerland, then on to Avignan, Perpignan in France ending up in Barcelona, Spain.

It’s a bucket list trip!


Hello everyone. My name is Bill and I live in Japan and will be traveling next week to Europe. Really excited for this trip as I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have lived in Japan for 30 years now after moving from America


Hi, My name is Wilma & I live in Winnipeg, Canada (almost in the centre of Canada) with my husband & children. I love to travel but unfortunately have not had much time to travel overseas since having children. I also love photography & digital scrapbooking. I’m looking forward to traveling again - my daughter & I are flying to Paris in May 2024. 

Hi All,


I am Terri from Canada!


This will be my first time using the trains. most all my previous travel has been for work, and tagging on a few days here and there to sitesee. 


I am excited to explore Europe with my husband, and enjoying trip planning for the summer as it is currently been -40C with the windchill here all week!

Hi my name is Alex and Im from Spain and I want to know Europe country to country month to month, I LOVE travel and meet other persons and different cultures and different foods, i dont know how to start but i have ilussions for this. I losted my house and my things and my pets, was stolen for other persons and I get depressed for It but in this i search an option to recover my happiness and my health. I am 27 years old.


Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

Hey I'm Matt. 21 years old. Completely new to interrailling and this community. Unsure if I pressed the right button to reply to this post. 

I am from the Netherlands, specifically North Holland. Currently studying Pedagogical Sciences with a deeper interest in clinical/forensics. I enjoy trying new things, cars, games, canoeing. Train travel hasn't been a good first impression. First time I travelled by train outside the Netherlands, was to London where there was a 5 hour delay. Thing I love about Europe, is how everything is just around the corner. It amazes me everything how quickly you can be in a different country with a variety of dialects and cultures. 


I am proficient in six languages, working on two more, but I admit I am as unhurried as a local German train. I know how to snag a free drink in the train restaurant without lifting a finge. I can doze off in night trains, where seats are typically meant for standing. I have practically earned a diploma in finding seats, even in seemingly impossible situations. My life spans several countries, allowing me to spend a full 24 hours traveling by train. 


Honestly, my motivation for reaching out here is a bit sour 😤 😭 My partner received an invitation to a meeting for active members in this community in Utrecht this April 24, and I did not. While I haven't been actively engaged in this community, I have invested a significant portion of my salary throughout my life for Interrail global passes. First I got thought traditional Interrail paper tickets. Now, with the move toward digitalization, I'm navigating this shift.


I feel a bit miffed about not receiving an invitation, especially considering my extensive Interrail travels. At least I wish to get an internal notebook, but I have never even got a notebook from Interrail. I am interested in becoming active here because I have unique ideas about the interrail community and a wealth of knowledge, not just about train connections but also about the subtle tricks and nuances of travel and maybe I will still get a shot at joining the community in Utrecht this April 24th.

My name is Don from Vancouver, BC, Canada, my wife, Barb, and I have decided to travel to Europe for the first time. We have been retired for several years now and most of our other travels were south to Mexico, Hawaii and Caribbean Islands, so this trip will not be like anything we have done before but looking forward to travelling by rail, so we may need some help.

Looking forward to visiting historical sites, sight seeing and trying local foods, this fall. We have 6 weeks, starting in Amsterdam heading south, stopping along the way, ending up in Rome.

We are Mike and Margaret and will start our train travels within 2 weeks.  We live in the US, the state of Florida. 
we have traveled by train in Thailand and Australia are super excited about our travels in Europe.(6-8 countries and numerous stops)We have a 60 day Global pass and will be staying at  AirB&B during our travels.

I do have hundreds of questions but please let me know any of your travel by train tips and I am sure some of those questions will be answered.

Thanks and I look forward to your advice.  See you on the platform.


My name is Margaret and I will be a newly minted retiree when we begin our trip - FREEDOM!  Oops I see Mike has posted earlier… oh well I can’t delete so you get to hear from both sides of our beautiful team.  

Mike and I are about to embark on a three month trip through Europe traveling by train with a couple of ferry trips added in. This is my first trip to Europe so I am very excited.  While we have planned our locations, sites and hikes, we have left time to just soak it all in and quietly enjoy. Additionally, we are staying with local people rather than at hotels to better experience areas. 

We have traveled by train in Thailand but this train trip is by far our most ambitious.  As we progress with our travels I know we will be drawing from the community’s expertise as we are so inexperienced. 

We have two other trips planned this year Guam and Australia but they will not be by rail 😊 

Thanks everyone and happy travels!

Bonsoir, je viens de faire mon premier voyage grâce à un pass. Je suis partie, avec ma fille ado, une semaine de France vers narvik en Laponie norvégienne. Nous n'avons passé qu une journée sur place,  il fallait rentrer les vacances ne sont pas extensible mais c était une très bonne expérience. J'ai hâte du prochain voyage ! De magnifiques paysages,  plusieurs langues, quel dépaysement et un rythme vraiment différent des autres vacances.  Je recommande !


Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

Hey I'm Matt. 21 years old. Completely new to interrailling and this community. Unsure if I pressed the right button to reply to this post. 

I am from the Netherlands, specifically North Holland. Currently studying Pedagogical Sciences with a deeper interest in clinical/forensics. I enjoy trying new things, cars, games, canoeing. Train travel hasn't been a good first impression. First time I travelled by train outside the Netherlands, was to London where there was a 5 hour delay. Thing I love about Europe, is how everything is just around the corner. It amazes me everything how quickly you can be in a different country with a variety of dialects and cultures. 


Je m'appelle Carine, j'ai 54 ans, je vis près de Spa dans les Ardennes belges et voyager participe a mon équilibre. Je n'ai quasi jamais voyagé en train sauf vers Londres,  Paris et Lourdes. Je voulais faire un Interrail durant mes études mais je n'ai trouvé à l'époque personne pour m'accompagner. Je compte à partir de maintenant voyager davantage en train d'où ma présence ici. J'ai deux fils Loup et Nils de 17 et 21 ans qui, une fois par an acceptent encore partir avec leur mère. Nous avons un chien, Locqui un super Hovawart de 8 ans que nous laissons généralement à la maison lors de nos déplacements. Mon premier projet serait au Nord vers la Laponie avec mes gamins. C'est lié au prénom de mon fils 😉 

J'ai idée de faire la boucle Spa, Stockholm, Kiruna, Rovaniemi, Helsinki, Spa en 10 à 12 jours 

Si vous avez des conseils, ils sont les bienvenus 🙂



Bonsoir, je viens de faire mon premier voyage grâce à un pass. Je suis partie, avec ma fille ado, une semaine de France vers narvik en Laponie norvégienne. Nous n'avons passé qu une journée sur place,  il fallait rentrer les vacances ne sont pas extensible mais c était une très bonne expérience. J'ai hâte du prochain voyage ! De magnifiques paysages,  plusieurs langues, quel dépaysement et un rythme vraiment différent des autres vacances.  Je recommande !

Une semaine et seulement 1 jour en Laponie, vous avez quand même vu des aurores boréales ?

Non le ciel était trop couvert,  pleine lune et trop de positivité ! Faut qu on y retourne :-)

Effectivement bonne raison d'y retourner ! :-)

Je suis curieuse... Vous avez fait quelles étapes avant d'arriver à Narvik ? 

Paris Bruxelles Cologne Hambourg stockholm boden  narvik et partiel au retour. Balade à hambourg quelques heures et 2 journées à stockholm

Hi all! Im Charlotte, 21 (almost 22) and from Utrecht NL. Im travelling in spain/france/italy and maybe switzerland in the coming two weeks. I really love the freedom and seeing so much with just you and your backpack. 


Im ibby im 25 years old. I have lived in the US for 6 years and now I moved to Middle East. I have a degree im aviation management and i have my pilot licenses. I love camping, hiking, gardening, food, and nature. Hopefully im visiting Europe soon, and i would like to meet people there and have some amazing conversations and experiences. If i get to couch surf that would be amazing too. Im very open minded and very easy to talk to and have a conversation. This is my instagram ibby.nas

and this is my Snapchat hima_fuad

add me 🫶🫶🫶

Much love to yall 

Hi Folks,

I’m David from Melbourne and, together with my wife, Tegwen, we are planning a european holiday to celebrate our retirement. We left the UK in 1983 and lived in Africa and the Midddle East for 10 years. We moved to Australia 30 years ago. We are starting at Perugia where one of our nephews is getting married in May 2024. The plan is to move on to Florence, then Lugano, Luzern, Lausanne in Switzerland, then on to Avignan, Perpignan in France ending up in Barcelona, Spain.

It’s a bucket list trip!


Omg yall life are full of adventure i love it. And I truly miss Melbourne but i was in the one in Florida, USA. Hopefully we get to meet in Spain and talk about our adventures. 🫶🫶

 Hey !

I just discovered interrail and very curious to know about it


Hello! My name is Ronn and I'm from the Netherlands. I have been going on solo travels for 10 years now, in between trips with family and friends. Most of that was within Europe, because there is just so much to see and experience within this relatively small continent. So many different cultures and so much history.

I almost hate to admit that I did most travel by plane (or car). I've always loved train travel though. Especially when I didn't have my driver's license yet. I still have good memories of my first night train experience to Copenhagen from 10 years ago. You get to meet the most interesting people. The train journey from Oslo to Bergen five years ago was also very memorable because of the amazing scenery on the way. A few years back I traveled by train to the Bodensee and then a week later traveled by train to Prague as well. That was the first time I got to experience dinner on a train. Just last week I took the train from Pisa to Cinque Terre. Quite impressed by Italy's rail network.

I still want to do the Big Trip though. As in, go from place to place for about two weeks all around Europe. That's when I stumbled upon Eur/Interrail and this community. I'm looking forward to sharing experiences and gaining some inspiration from you all.

Hi! I’m Brendon, a transport photographer from the Boston area of the USA, and currently living in New York.

I had a revelation when COVID hit that I haven’t traveled nearly enough, with the only other country I’d visited at that point in my life having been Canada. Wanting to make up for lost time, I set out to travel more, and have since visited the UK and The Netherlands, doing a ton of transport photography all over TfL in London, some British Rail, as well as Eurostar, NS, and local trams and metros in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Den Haag. 

For my next trip, I intend to make full use of the steep discounts (in the form of reservation fees with a Eurail pass) on as many night trains as I can, visiting Paris, Berlin, Milan, Zurich, Vienna, and many many more smaller cities, photographing the beauty of public transport all over Europe, and fantasizing about what a similar network would look like in my home country.

Some of my favorite transport systems that I’ve photographed so far include the NYC Subway, Toronto’s streetcars, London’s Elizabeth Line, San Francisco’s cable cars and historic streetcars (donated from around the world!), and Den Haag’s red and cream-colored trams.

Some of my favorite transport systems that I haven’t yet photographed yet include the trams in Lisbon, Porto, Milan, and Brussels (I’ve seen some photos from Tervuren that look AMAZING and I’d like to get a few for myself), as well as the railways all over Tokyo Prefecture in Japan.

Vero and Eddy are 2 french speaking independent travelers babyboomers. We have been travelling together for over 45 years. After having traveled the 5 distant continents, we are now discovering Europe with interrail passes.

Hi… im Juan Pablo from CHILE. I will travel to Europe by feb 2025 and planning the trip. Dont know yet if the best is to travel by train or plane… we are 4 adults.

Glad to meet the community here !
