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We are trying to find trains between the main cities of these countries but we are finding problems.

Our plan was to do: Zagreb- Split - Sarajevo- Beograd- Sofia- Budapest - Bratislava -Viena

¿What route should we take? We really would like some advice because if it is going to be a difficult route we might as well change the plan. Thank you very much for your help. 

Two options for adventure, but also lots of pleasure before that to figure out what the exact connections are:

Option 1:

Zagreb - Split

bus Split to Ploce

Ploce - Sarajevo - Tuzla

bus Tuzla to Brcko, then walk to Gunja in Croatia

Gunja to Tovarnik, see:

Sid - Beograd - Nis-Sofia see here:

Sofia - Budapest - Bratislava - Vienna


Option 2 (without Bosnia):

Zagreb - Split

ferry to Ancona (Italy) and continue overland to Bari

In Bari, ferry to Bar (Montenegro)

Bar to Beograd via the famous route!

Beograd - Nis

bus Nis-Sofia see here:

Sofia - Budapest - Bratislava - Vienna

(this option contours Bosnia so you will need to squeeze that in somehow, which is another challenge)


Wow I am jealous!

There are almost no trains in the Balkans. You'll have to rely on buses (not included but cheap) from Split to Sofia.

One route with more trains would be Zagreb - Split - ferry to Italy - train down the Adriatic Coast - ferry to Albania or Greece - buses to Sofia - Sofia - Budapest - Bratislava/Vienna.

There are multiple night trains from Bucharest to Budapest.
