Hello!I live in Rome so maybe I could help you
Small dogs travel for free on train but inside dog carrier
Medium/big dogs will pay;to buy tickets for it you have to select your destination then before paying there is a section add service/need others section
Let me know if it works or need more support
Ciao! enjoy Italy
Thank you both for answers and helping me. I wanna get to Sicily, so I was thinking about
Vienna > Venezia
Venezia > Bari
Bari > Neapoli
Neapole > Messina
Mesina > Rome
Rome > Fortezza
Fortezza > Vienna
Trains with seat reservation required, I can book and pay in ItaliaRail. Am I right? And there I can also buy a ticket for a dog (half price of normal ticket)?
But in some trains is sign ‘Seat reservation recommended’ plus other one: ‘Supplement reqiured’
But I haven't really found, what does it mean and where to pay it.
For reservations have a look at https://www.seat61.com/interrail-and-eurail-reservations.htm
They are optional on EC/RJ trains between Austria and Italy (very recommended though!) and there's a 10€ mandatory passholder supplement in any case.
Honestly I don't know how you can buy dog tickets without buying adult tickets (which you won't need since you'll have the pass). Maybe someone knows...
As said on this link, it is possible to buy those dog tickets at stations. I guess there's no limit on availability since the dog won't take a seat.
I don't have experience sorry but I can forward you to this link (don't know how up-to-date it is though) : https://www.seat61.com/dogs-by-train.htm#taking-dogs-on-trains-in-mainland-europe
Remember to book ASAP trains requiring mandatory reservations. The period around Christmas is very very busy.
Since the night train between Vienna and Italy is likely full which route are you looking to take ?
There are 2 Prague - Zurich night trains (but they might be full too!) and from there it's easy to reach Northern Italy. You likely need to book the whole compartment if you're travelling with a dog.
Or daytime trains from Munich to Verona/Bologna or Vienna to Venice. Reservations are optional but very recommended, otherwise you might have to stand. On those 2 routes there is a 10€ passholder surcharge.
Feel free to ask further questions. If you mention (ideal) travel dates I'll be able to help more easily.
Good night!