First of all: congrats! This means you’ll have 7 travel days in one month for free, correct?
I don’t know when you plan on doing your trip and I am just as uncertain as to whether I still count as teenager (21 yo)” but as a matter of fact, I’m currently on an Interrail journey and we could meet up.
Perhaps other people are interested as well, that could be fun.
let me know what you think of it or if you have any other questions :)
All the best
I think you will get more replies if you put this question in the big Community group and not in the Innovation Train group that not has that many members.
Thank you for the comment, right now I don’t have a exact plan where to go but we could figure it out later
Is there any kind of platform you are comfortable giving me where I can communicate with you more convenient?
Thank you for the comment but I actually have no idea how to join the community group, is there a possibility that you can help me a little bit out. I’m kinda lost also because of the lack of research I really don’t know where to get started. I would really appreciate it :)
Hi NT777, welcome to the Eurail Community! Here you can find more information on how to get started. You've joined the Community but posted in a separate group. But no worries, I have moved it to the right category, so now it's visible for everyone
. Although this Community could be useful for you, I encourage you to join the dedicated DiscoverEU Community as well to meet fellow DiscoverEU travellers and get inspiration on where to travel. It is a private community so you'll need your DiscoverEU account details to login.
If you prefer 1-1 conversations, you can click on the username of someone and click '’send private message'’.
In case you have more questions, do not hesitate to reach out. I as well as the members are happy to help.
Enjoy the community experience!
I’ve been selected for the eu discovery program
. But right now I’m looking for some other teenagers who also are looking to discover more of Europe. I think it’s more fun with a group then alone lol so if ur interested message me I guess Tbf I don’t know how this platform works.
Hi, my cousin and I have been selected too. However, we don’t have arranged anything yet. We can keep in touch if you need someone to travel with.