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je voyage aujourd’hui depuis Zürich jusqu’à Vienne, de nuit. Je n’arrive pas à effectuer la réservation du siège qui est apparement obligatoire entre Zürich et Vienne. 

Or, j’ai déjà ajouté le trajet à mon pass et j’aimerais savoir comment procéder pour réserver un siège ?

est-ce possible qu’il n’y ait plus de place disponible malgré le fait que j’aie pu ajouter le trajet à mon pass ? 

puis-je voyager sans réservation ? 

merci d’avance pour votre réponse. 

NO, RES certainly needed-you will be evicted without. It is super-hi-season, the train also has portions to other places as Wien-so these may perhaps have some spare seats

Try at a SBB counter.

If you have the wifi now-you should have read the other ALT advice onhowtodo RES by seewulf-this NightJet- via, do NOT choose seatonly-use ticket-then add discont-pass etc. IF something shows up, its 14 or 15€ for the seat.

ALT: IF you are in the Swiss now: take train to MÜnchen-from Zúri-then overnite from there (on to Budapest)-same procedure for bookign seat-also mandatory in these overnight trains

I tried to make a reservation through for 1 female traveller and the train is sold out. You need to find another train/s to get to Wien.

Popular night trains are sold out weeks in advance on popular routes during the summer.

Thanks for your reply and for all theses informations. 

J’ai désormais un autre problème, j’ai pu constaté que la plupart des trains qui nécessitent une réservation sont complet, or vu que j’avais déjà activé mon “inbound” trajet (avec le trajet qui est sur la capture d’écran ci-dessus), quand j’ai supprimé le trajet (étant donné que je ne pouvais réserver aucun train entre Zürich et Vienne), cela m’a supprimé “½ inbound/outbound trajets”. 

Puis-je tout de même configurer un nouveau trajet demain (sans réservation cette fois-ci) depuis la Suisse jusqu’à Vienne ou est-ce que mon “inbound trajet” est considéré comme utilisé même si je l’ai supprimé et n’ai pas effectué le trajet ?


Dans le cas où celui-ci serait “perdu” ai-je la possibilité d’utiliser le “outbound trajet” pour partir de la Suisse jusqu’à Vienne? (Et ne plus avoir la possibilité ensuite de tenter jusqu’en Suisse avec interrail, ce que j’accepte.)




@Marie29 Yes, this is possible to do like that. Just don't add the next journey to your pass until you are absolutely sure that you will travel with that train.

@rvdborgt @seewulf 

Would it be possible to "save" the outbound travel day in Switzerland by removing the unused journey from the Trip as it hasn't yet started? The Travel day will be lost, but maybe the outbound journey can be saved?

Here is some useful information from the experienced travellers in the Community regarding both planning, reservations and activation of pass and travel days. 



The rail planner is normally not up to date, as it only is updated once a month, so to be sure of the time table you better check the timetable and availability on the websites of the national railways. The bigger national railways, like DB (Germany) SBB (Switzerland) and ÖBB (Austria) cover several countries. 



The advice from the experienced travellers in the community is to use other ways to make reservations than the Interrail/Eurail website.  You can look at the guide in the link:

If you, after having looked at the guide, have questions about how to make specific reservation, please give your travel details (departure date, time and route) preferably in a new topic, and you will get advice.

Please note that Interrail/Eurail charges an extra fee of 2 EUR per person and ticket in addition to the fee for the seat reservation.


Activation of pass

During the activation process, when you choose the start day of the validity of the pass, the first day of the validity period is automatically made a travel day, even if you don't enter a journey, the advice is therefore not to activate the pass before the first travel day as you only can deactivate the pass before 00.00 on the day the validity starts. If your travel plans change in the last moment you will loose travel days if you have activated the pass in advance.

It can be wise to make a test and activate the pass with a start date well in the future and then deactivate the pass immediately, just to see that everything works.


 Activation of travel day

The advice from the experienced travellers in the community is also never to activate a travel day, that is connect a journey to your pass, until just before boarding the train, otherwise you might loose a travel day if your travel plans change in a late stage  You can't delete a travel day in the past. A travel day can only be deleted until 23.59 CET the day before the travel day.

I don't think an outbound/inbound journey can be recovered once the trave day to which it is inked has started. You can try of course and see what happens when you remove the journey from your pass.

What you can do though is contact customer service and explain the problem. Also let them know when you'll need it, so they can prioritise correctly. They can add an outbound/inbound journey but no guarantee they'll actually do it. Do remove all journeys from your pass that you haven't used.
