I booked and paid for seat reservations for Firenze SM Novella- Milano Porta Garibaldi and Milano Centrale-Spiez at the Eurail website against my account. Times on these paid-up seat reservations are 12.10pm depart Firenze 10/7/23 and 15.20 depart Milano same day.
HOWEVER, neither the Eurail website nor the Trenitalia now show any train departing Firenze SMN at 12.10pm 10/7/23 even though I have paid for this reservation. (The Milano Centrale-Spiez train 15.20pm 10/7/23 seems to exist).
Is my Eurail pass and/or seat reservation of any use?
I contacted Eurail support but they simply said wait several weeks for the train schedules to be repopulated online. I have double checked 2 weeks later and the 12.10 Firenze train still does not exist 10/7.
Is my paid up seat reservation with Eurail valid or of any use? I have no confidence in the situation. Should I buy yet another reservation on another Firenze service to Spiez - BUT I note these have different routes - via Bologne which requires yet a another additional reservation.
Thoroughly confused and lacking confidence in the Eurail seat reservation system at this point as this journey leg is part of a longer journey on the day from Castiglion Fiorentino to Interlaken West).
Tony Harding Melbourne (leaving for Europe soon in June)