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Unclear messages about reservation requirement

  • 29 October 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi! So I’m planning my trip that I am about to do during late autumn/winter and I really want to make it as a cheap experience as possible. Therefore I am aiming for trains that doesn't require reservations

I am totally new to this but I have done a lot of research, though there are some formulations I can't wrap my head around. For instance when I search for connections with no reservation required I sometimes see this grey statement that there is no information available about that particular train, even thought I only chose to see search results with no reservations. What does this mean? Is it cancelled or is it a commuter train with no booking what so ever?

Also when I look up connections on the rail planner app it doesn't necessarily say this, it just says when reservation is mandatory, but when I check the facilities it sometimes says “no reservation on part of journey”. Does this mean that there is a specific distance during that ride that costs money? It often says this when a regional train with no mandatory reservation crosses a boarder between countries, France and Italy for ex.

This might be a very confused text haha but I really don't want to pay more than necessary but I also don't want to be thrown off the train… What does all this mean?


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

In general, TER services in France don't have mandatory reservations. In fact, reservations are not even possible in most of them. The remark "No reservation on part of journey” probably means no reservation is possible on part of the journey.

Oh, great! No worrying about TER then. Let’s just hope that “part of journey” means the whole distance.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi Johan, 

Details unavailable means that the train has no reservation attributes, meaning that we basically do not know if reservations are required. This happens rarely as carriers deliver this information fir each train. If they do not, like in this case, we can add it on our end. It has been added as a task.

Anyway, I've checked it for you, and a reservation between Nice Ville and Ventimiglia is not required, as shown on this page


That’s very good to know, thanks a lot for the reply!
