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Random Line

So I'm using the app on an amazing trip so far and everything on the app works brilliantly except one thing which makes taking screenshots for Instagram or such not work well. It is creating a line on it's own from the last destination I have entered so far back to my start destination. Does anyone know how to stop this? 


10 replies

Userlevel 5
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Hi @SwiftPacklord,

Those lines are created from the journeys you put in My Trip.

Could you confirm that if you want to take a screenshot of the image where the lines don't appear? If yes, then you'll need to create a new Trip without any journey listed there. If you want to see only destinations you've been travelling to and you put for the future travel, then you'll have to delete journeys that are not related.

Let me know if it's the answer you're looking for :)

Hi @Mukhammad,

My problem is the line that it is putting in automatically from my final destination so far back to my origin of the trip which isn't a journey I have put in. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3


That's pretty odd. Could you show me the screenshot of the journeys in that specific Trip?

That will help me to understand more what might happen. Thanks!


Please find attached an image of my trip so far. 


Userlevel 5
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@SwiftPacklord Could you also please show me the view as list?


I can show you the start and end but in between would be a lot of screenshots. 

Userlevel 5
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For the GDPR purpose, I deleted your recent screenshots. But I might need it for reporting purpose to the relevant team.

Then, could you tell me which countries (or cities if you can list some) where you didn't travel or plan to travel to? As I can only see the UK, France and Hungary on your journeys list 


So far I have travelled to the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Monoco, Italy, Czechia, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. With plans to go to Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Netherlands and Belgium. As well as resisting some of the others on the way. 

Userlevel 5
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@SwiftPacklord I have reported this case to the relevant department. I assume this happens only for a continuous Pass.

Thank you for sending me all the information! :)

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

I had a related quirk on the mapping front - 1 out of something like 40 trips booked was showing up with a different colour on the map.  I think it’s related to whether the app thinks the journey was enabled or not.  I’ve double and triple checked and that journey is enabled (I even deleted it and re-created it).

I’m doing my mapping separately, but if I was hoping to use the image for social media like the OP then it would be a problem.

I’m not looking for a specific resolution but just wanted to comment that there’s another small bug with the mapping aspect.
