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Activating pass early

  • 21 February 2022
  • 10 replies

We are planning to get an interrail pass in June for 2 adults and two kids/ youths. One of the kids 12th birthday is  2 weeks before we plan to leave.

We would be buying a 15days in 2 months pass for 2 adukts and 2 youths 

I have found that if we got 2 month continuous unlimited passes before the kids 12 th birthday it would be a similar price as that ticket would be free. We would have to activate it by taking a trip in our own country and then wait the two weeks before using it from first country we arrive in.

Is this ok to do?

Or do we need to leave the country as soon as we use the outbound?

Obviously we would have to pay our outbound again ourselves.

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

The kids still must be 11 at the first day of Activation :)

If you select for example the 14th March as Activation and then just wait 2 weeks you just waste 14days :) out of the 2 months :) You can use the outbound journey at anytime during the pass validity :) I used once for example first the inbound journey and afterwards the outbound journey :)

Hi seewulf.

Thanks for your reply.

Not sure if I explained well enough. My kid is 12 2 weeks before we travel for a 3-4 week trip. The 2 month continuous pass with one child free is very little difference in price to 15 trips in 2 months for 2 adults and 2 kids, but would allow us to use unlimited short trips while travelling  instead of being limited to the 15 trips. Therefore activating it wouldn't waste anything as we only need it for 3-4 weeks.

I did read today somewhere that the in/outbound trip has to be the same day as departing or returning to the home country. So I presume what I was asking isn't within the rules. It seems to be first travelling day not activation too.



Userlevel 7
Badge +15

You explained it very well and i understood it :)

Yes the inbound day is offical the day returning to Homecountry and Outbound day is the day leaving your Homecountry but these days can be at any day within the Pass Validity
doesn´t have to be first travelday or the last travelday :)

The mobilepass currently works like first day of travel is first day of activation as this is the standard preference of the  Customer. But you can activate even earlier :) and wait 14days before your start your journey.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

I did read today somewhere that the in/outbound trip has to be the same day as departing or returning to the home country.

That's what it is for. To/from the border, an airport, a ferry port, ...

So I presume what I was asking isn't within the rules. It seems to be first travelling day not activation too.

I'm not sure what you mean here but I see no problem with what you intend:

  1. Activate pass one day before 12. birthday (probably also for your own pass since the free child pass is only valid together with an adult pass).
  2. Register a random journey on that day somewhere outside the UK. E.g. Aachen - Cologne.
  3. Start your trip normally a few weeks later, still being able to use both your in/outbound journeys.

So it's all above board to just book a train journey in another country and register that then?

I'm not in uk but I get your point. And we wouldn't be likely to have to explainto anyone why we didn't use that journey?

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

So it's all above board to just book a train journey in another country and register that then?

I'm not in uk but I get your point. And we wouldn't be likely to have to explainto anyone why we didn't use that journey?

How could they proof you haven´t used the Journey ;)

You could took a train to Cologne and flew back to your homecountry.

True :)  Thanks all for the advice

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

So it's all above board to just book a train journey in another country and register that then?

I'm not in uk but I get your point. And we wouldn't be likely to have to explainto anyone why we didn't use that journey?

How could they proof you haven´t used the Journey ;)

Exactly. And in addition, you’re not obliged to use the registered journey.

@Martin Pilley sorry for the confusion. I thought I had seen your home country but it seems I was wrong...

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

True :)  Thanks all for the advice

As you are from Finland you could log a train journey from Tartu to Tallinn (Estonia)
and you took the ferry back to Finland :D

Thanks. Glad I asked on here for advice. You've been a great help.
