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Can I use Interrail global pass to travel in France and is it possible to use this card at the weekends?

  • 17 February 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello! Can I use interrial global pass to travel in France and is it possible to use this card at the weekends or usually there are no places in trains left ?

thanks in advance 

Yes you can use it in France, but please note that if you are from France you can use it only 1 day to leave France and 1 day to get back (Outbound/Inbound Rule).

@Angelo I also saw that for every journey I need to make seat reservation that cost 20 euros or more , so the card doesn’t cover it and I need to pay not only for card but also for seat reservations?

thanks in advance 

You have to pay seat reservations only for some trains, like TGVs or IC. Most of the TER are without reservation. 

For the TGVs within France you pay 10€ (in advance) or 20€. You can buy the reservations at SNCF Counter or SNCF Ticket machine. Online you can buy it at reservation service but you have to pay 2€ more.
