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Help. I’m trying to add my wife and myself as travelers to a trip. I run into two problems when inputting the paper pass details.

  1. Eurail B.V. is not listed on the Issuer drop down list. I selected DISCOVEREU TRAVEL PASS (CIV 9901)
  2.  Pass Cover Number returns an error. PASS COVER NUMBER DOESN’T LOOK RIGHT

I’m looking to make reservations but can’t if I can’t add travelers.


Any help will be appreciated.






The pass cover number should be an E followed by 8 digits.

Yes. I have the right number it begins with and E followed by 8 digits and located on the back of the pass cover just above the QR code. Any ideas on how to add my travelers?



If that number doesn't work, then please contact customer service.

You can still book reservations elsewhere though. Se e.g. this list or this thread.
