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How do I read an OBB ticket

I made a reservation with OBB for tickets from Munich to Genova, and I am not sure if it is what I think it is. The printed tickets are all German, and I have translated some, and see it does say I paid with a credit card, but I don’t see where the times or train numbers are. I emailed OBB customer service, and there are ticket numbers and a QR code in what I printed, but I can’t figure out where on the ticket where it gives  the info I need. I printed out a time table, but I don’t remember where that came from. I can’t find anything on the OBB sute to check a reservation, or to change a reservation. And if I remember, it gave a place to enter our Eurail pass numbers. 


30 replies


@Hector  The Nightjet was sold out for the one and only day I could use it. Except instead of saying sold out, it said unavailable. I checked on other days that I couldn’t use, and the information was all there. If seats are available now, I can change all this to the nightjet. 

@Hector  The Nightjet was sold out for the one and only day I could use it. Except instead of saying sold out, it said unavailable. I checked on other days that I couldn’t use, and the information was all there. If seats are available now, I can change all this to the nightjet. 

ÖBB does still show availabilty for the 11th and the 12th of March. 

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@Hektor I suggested to use HBF in munich, because if she is without a reservation there is more likely to get a seat on the train. But if she has a reservation she can use the more near München Ost.


@Hektor  I am thrilled!! A few weeks ago when I struggled to book the Nightjet, i couldn’t on the day I wanted, I emailed them, and they just said it is booked. Thanks to you, I tried again just now, and got my reservations!!! Printed the ticket, I am so happy, I LOVE you. I can’t name any kids after you, but the next cat that shows up on my door step is going to be named Hektor. 

@Hektor  I am thrilled!! A few weeks ago when I struggled to book the Nightjet, i couldn’t on the day I wanted, I emailed them, and they just said it is booked. Thanks to you, I tried again just now, and got my reservations!!! Printed the ticket, I am so happy, I LOVE you. I can’t name any kids after you, but the next cat that shows up on my door step is going to be named Hektor. 

