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Interrail email contact - real person

  • 2 January 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi everyone! Hope you had a few good holidays.


I was wondering if anyone knows any direct email address for customer support?

All I can seem to find on their pages is chatbots..


Any one of you have any experience trying to get a deadline postpone for your pass activation?

Had some personal issues come up just before i wanted to start travelling which means I have to postpone the trip - and the deadline is on 14th of April.


Many thanks and wish you a good day,

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

The question regarding postponing the validity of the pass has just been answered in another topic. Please follow the link below.


You can contact Customer Support through the form in the link below.



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

OOk beste wensen. In dit geval-als ik het correct begrijp, zit er dus niks anders op als cancellen-en dat kost je sentjes-en nieuw kopen. ER staan vandaag versch vragen over zelfde kwestie hier-geldigheidstijd uitstellen, allemaal zelfde antw. Hopelijk kan je voor 15€ omwisselen+ bijbetalen tot nwe prijs voor ´23. In principe kan dat allemaal online.

Overigens: die datum doet me sterk denken aan de 50% sale van 50 yr: ALS dat zo is, dan heb je pech en valt er niks te ruilen/omwisselen. Waarmee maar weer opnw blijkt dat volledige info geven vaak een moeizame zaak is.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

If you mention which exact pass you bought at which date with which exchange/refund conditions (see the invoice attached to the confirmation mail), then people can give the options you have.
