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in Holland in somes station you need to use you card to get in and out the station, how do i do it with the app?

Yes you'll get a QR-code on your app. It should work in the Netherlands, however it may not be the case in other countries with ticket barriers : big stations in France, Italy and the UK mainly. In those places speak to staff nearby.

Where are you travelling ? Please note that you'll have to make some mandatory reservations, often on high-speed trains and cross-border routes. As it is peak season some of those trains can sell out a few days in advance (or more). Have a look at :

Optional seat reservations are also a good idea, for example on ICE trains in Germany.

There are always reservation-free slower alternatives (except Eurostar to the UK).

Where can i see the QR code?
i already add my travel trip to the app (going to travel sunday) and have only 1 trip that need reservations (which i did) and all the other no need but will go via big site where i will probably need QR to get out

Please check the basics about the app here:

In particular the section "Getting ready to board the train”.

If that doesn't work for you, then please let us know in which step you are stuck.
