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Bonjour, j'ai un petit problème. En début d'année j'ai gagné un pass mobile grâce à DiscoverEu. Je l'ai activé dans l'application de rail planer et ai préparer mon voyage dessus.


Aujourd'hui je voulais voir comment faire pour réservé les sièges de certains train pendant mon Voyage. Mais je ne comprends pas comment faire.


Sur l'application rail planer, il explique que l'on peu faire sa via le site Interrail, ce que j'ai essayé de faire mais en me connectant avec l'adresse mail relié à mon pass, mon pass mobile n'apparaît pas sur votre site, ce qui rend la réservation de siège compliqué


Merci pour votre future aide


Bonne journée

I hope that it's ok that I answer in English. I read and understand French much better than I write.

Where do you want to travel? There are different ways to make reservations so if you give some more details of your travelplans you can get better advice.

The general advice is better to use the national railway companies to make reservations than to use the Interrail site.

Likely you need to use a Train/TGV to get out of your hexagone_ thats simple- go to any SNCF-they can arrange it for you (or should) OR do it yourself-but then only till last stop IN the 6gone-on the machine. Hop over border on TER-local train.

There is an extensive page by seewulf about how to do REServ. for all the various railways the best way.

Most common prob we see here on this forum is that many people try to do it far too long advance.

Also for direct trips OVERborder on SNCF/TGV it is NOT possible to do online.

Here is the guide that @mcadv refers to:


Also for direct trips OVERborder on SNCF/TGV it is NOT possible to do online.

Please do not repeat incorrect statements. International TGVs can be booked online via Interrail, as you should be well aware of.
