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Booking seats for children under my pass, how do I add child Passes after purchase?

I have a mobile Eurail pass that includes free travel for my 2 kids (age 8 and 10).

How do I add them as travelers to my pass so I can make a seat reservation for all 3 of us?

I figured out how to do it for myself only.  

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Please check this page.

Yes, I understand that. But I don’t have passes for my kids. How do I add them to mine?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Did you indicate 2 children when buying the pass? If so, I don't know how this would work. If not, then you'll need to change your pass.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Note that on some railways-but I cannot list these here, these 2 kids are then only entitled to 1 seat-they have to share. I did not invent this, those are the rules from the state-burocratic railways also watching their incomes.

I’ve figured out that I need to add the kids at the time of pass purchase. Now that it’s too late and I already bought my pass, I need to exchange it for a new one and add the kids. Any ideas on how to exchange the pass?


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Exchange conditions depend on what you chose at pass purchase. To do an exchange, check this page.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Please note that Kids pay the same reservation fees as adults means if you pay 10€ for a seat (e.g. A french domestic TGV) you have to pay the same for your Kids :/ (depending on their age its sometimes cheaper to use standard fares. For example in germany Kids under 15 travel for free with a paying adult) the problem here is that each country(rail company) have a own age limit :/ 

Please note that Kids pay the same reservation fees as adults means if you pay 10€ for a seat (e.g. A french domestic TGV) you have to pay the same for your Kids :/ (depending on their age its sometimes cheaper to use standard fares. For example in germany Kids under 15 travel for free with a paying adult) the problem here is that each country(rail company) have a own age limit :/ 


Do you mean if I’m only traveling in Germany, I don’t need to buy a child pass? I’ve been staring at Eurail all day and I can’t find anywhere to add my children once I select German Rail...

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Do you mean if I’m only traveling in Germany, I don’t need to buy a child pass? I’ve been staring at Eurail all day and I can’t find anywhere to add my children once I select German Rail...

Possibly. It doesn't say it explicitly but indeed the boxes to add children are not there.

Do you mean if I’m only traveling in Germany, I don’t need to buy a child pass? I’ve been staring at Eurail all day and I can’t find anywhere to add my children once I select German Rail...

Possibly. It doesn't say it explicitly but indeed the boxes to add children are not there.

Thank you so much. I thought for sure I screwed up somewhere. I’m glad to have another pair of eyes looking at it for me. Thank you!
