Meet the community | Introduce yourself!

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Hi folks, my name is Jim. I have been to Europe before but that was when I was in my 20’s.  Now in my 60’s my partner and I are planning to visit Europe in December of 2023 (as our first trip), and a second trip in Spring or Fall of 2024. Neither of us has ever used rail service as a means of transportation on vacation but it sounds very affordable and doable. Instead of using hotels we plan on using MrBnB for places to stay.

Hello I'm Alan from Ireland and currently on a trip. Having gone from Valencia via France (delayed by the recent strike/protest yesterday) I'm now in Genoa and going to Florence tomorrow before continuing my trip towards Romania via Slovenia & Croatia. If anyone has experience of similar route I would like to hear from you. I have also commented on a thread regarding travel in France for another person planning a trip if anyone is planning travel in or through France which may be useful.


My name is Margaret and I will be a newly minted retiree when we begin our trip - FREEDOM!  Oops I see Mike has posted earlier… oh well I can’t delete so you get to hear from both sides of our beautiful team.  

Mike and I are about to embark on a three month trip through Europe traveling by train with a couple of ferry trips added in. This is my first trip to Europe so I am very excited.  While we have planned our locations, sites and hikes, we have left time to just soak it all in and quietly enjoy. Additionally, we are staying with local people rather than at hotels to better experience areas. 

We have traveled by train in Thailand but this train trip is by far our most ambitious.  As we progress with our travels I know we will be drawing from the community’s expertise as we are so inexperienced. 

We have two other trips planned this year Guam and Australia but they will not be by rail 😊 

Thanks everyone and happy travels!

Userlevel 1


Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

Hii! :)

Nice to meet u guys ^^

I'm Elisa, a 19 y.o. from Rome. 

I'm going to have a solo-trip in August, so I wanted to ask if anyone from the countries I will visit or any traveller like me wanted to meet up and enjoy some good times together! ^^


In particular, my itinerary will be;

06/08/2023 - 07/08/2023

Milan, Italy

07/08/2023 - 10/08/2023

Amsterdam, Netherlands 

10/08/2023 - 13/08/2023

Copenhagen, Denmark

13/08/2023 - 16/08/2023

Berlin, Germany 

16/08/2023 - 19/08/2023

Prague, Czech Republic 

19/08/2023 - 22/08/2023

Budapest, Hungary

22/08/2023 - 24/08/2023

Ljubljana, Slovenia

(coming back to Rome; 24/08)


If anyone want to chat a bit and to organise something cool, hit me in dm or on Instagram! (@atgels)  Byeee ♡

Berlin, Deutschland 


16/08/2023 - - 19/08/2023

Da hätte ich ggf.

Mein Englisch ist aber eher schlecht, italienisch kann ich gar nicht. 

Nächstes Jahr möchte ich u.a.auch nach Italien. 

Schreibe mir gerne PN wenn Du magst.

LG&noch ein schönes Wochenende 




Hallo! Ich spreche schreckliches Deutsch, haha, aber wir können es versuchen :). Wenn du willst, schreib mir auf Instagram, @atgels

Userlevel 1

I don't have Instergram.🤔


Or Do you have Snapchat?

Hello to you all, I’m Shane, retired in Dubai. I have a passion for music. My wife and I are embarking on a summer trip through Europe for the first time. Whilst we do like train travel, the buying of tickets, understanding reservations and using the Pass systems is a steep learning curve. We’re grateful to have discovered this forum and look forward to sharing our observations.


Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

Hey I'm Matt. 21 years old. Completely new to interrailling and this community. Unsure if I pressed the right button to reply to this post. 

I am from the Netherlands, specifically North Holland. Currently studying Pedagogical Sciences with a deeper interest in clinical/forensics. I enjoy trying new things, cars, games, canoeing. Train travel hasn't been a good first impression. First time I travelled by train outside the Netherlands, was to London where there was a 5 hour delay. Thing I love about Europe, is how everything is just around the corner. It amazes me everything how quickly you can be in a different country with a variety of dialects and cultures. 


Je m'appelle Carine, j'ai 54 ans, je vis près de Spa dans les Ardennes belges et voyager participe a mon équilibre. Je n'ai quasi jamais voyagé en train sauf vers Londres,  Paris et Lourdes. Je voulais faire un Interrail durant mes études mais je n'ai trouvé à l'époque personne pour m'accompagner. Je compte à partir de maintenant voyager davantage en train d'où ma présence ici. J'ai deux fils Loup et Nils de 17 et 21 ans qui, une fois par an acceptent encore partir avec leur mère. Nous avons un chien, Locqui un super Hovawart de 8 ans que nous laissons généralement à la maison lors de nos déplacements. Mon premier projet serait au Nord vers la Laponie avec mes gamins. C'est lié au prénom de mon fils 😉 

J'ai idée de faire la boucle Spa, Stockholm, Kiruna, Rovaniemi, Helsinki, Spa en 10 à 12 jours 

Si vous avez des conseils, ils sont les bienvenus 🙂



Bonsoir, je viens de faire mon premier voyage grâce à un pass. Je suis partie, avec ma fille ado, une semaine de France vers narvik en Laponie norvégienne. Nous n'avons passé qu une journée sur place,  il fallait rentrer les vacances ne sont pas extensible mais c était une très bonne expérience. J'ai hâte du prochain voyage ! De magnifiques paysages,  plusieurs langues, quel dépaysement et un rythme vraiment différent des autres vacances.  Je recommande !

Une semaine et seulement 1 jour en Laponie, vous avez quand même vu des aurores boréales ?

Non le ciel était trop couvert,  pleine lune et trop de positivité ! Faut qu on y retourne :-)

Effectivement bonne raison d'y retourner ! :-)

Je suis curieuse... Vous avez fait quelles étapes avant d'arriver à Narvik ? 

Paris Bruxelles Cologne Hambourg stockholm boden  narvik et partiel au retour. Balade à hambourg quelques heures et 2 journées à stockholm

My name is Eric. At the time of my writing this I’m 69 years old. I’ve done many things over the years including logging hundreds of hours scuba diving around the world (mostly the Americas), 50 years of motorcycling with some racing mixed in, owning and flying a private aircraft, working as a software developer, music venue owner, machinist, gas station attendant and more. I retired at 63 and moved from the US to Spain. We like to travel, having logged over 40 countries so far. I plan to add a few more in the next few months.

I find European trains to be a very comfortable way to travel. We’re planning in spending part or all of the month of May on the rails this year.

Hey everyone my names Tom and I’m from the UK. I am passionate about boxing, helping others, learning, food and spending time with friends and family. What I am looking forward to the most is the adventure that I am going to have on the three months of travelling I am going on! 

I am on a 3 month global pass starting on the 17th of March. But I am first flying from the UK to Israel for a week or two, and then getting myself from Israel to Turkey, where my pass will then be turned on! 
I am travelling solo and always up for a beer👍🏽

Hi, My name is Wilma & I live in Winnipeg, Canada (almost in the centre of Canada) with my husband & children. I love to travel but unfortunately have not had much time to travel overseas since having children. I also love photography & digital scrapbooking. I’m looking forward to traveling again - my daughter & I are flying to Paris in May 2024. 

@seewulf - I thought about the route going up to Amsterdam first…any reason why you think going that way is better than going south first? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15


You had a mixed order like Paris - Germany - Switzerland - Italy :) (The question is which Cities in Germany as Berlin, Cologne,Hamburg can be best done between Czech and Amsterdam :) )

Which way depends on you :D (I start usually in North West when suggesting Routes down to South East :D )

(Maybe because that´s how the Standard Tour Packages are advertised :D )

My name is Paul and my family of 6 are embarking on a 2 week quick fire tour of Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Kids range from 6 to 14 so this is going to be a bit crazy. We hope to travel lots more by train for European holidays if this goes well. 



Hi All,


I am Terri from Canada!


This will be my first time using the trains. most all my previous travel has been for work, and tagging on a few days here and there to sitesee. 


I am excited to explore Europe with my husband, and enjoying trip planning for the summer as it is currently been -40C with the windchill here all week!


Hey, I've seen that you're here to sort of help with queries and stuff, I'm really stuck!

I had to restart my phone and then log back into my interrail app.  Once I tried to log back in it said that my pass was linked to another device so it couldn't be added to this device - but its still my same phone! I had to buy another train ticket to start my journey, but I still can't log into my interraill app with my pass as it won't let me!

I have already bought the ticket though interrails website and made reservations etc.  

Please, is there any way you can help me?

Userlevel 2
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I am Steve, a Brit who has lived for 20 years in Spain. I am privileged to have travelled extensively throughout the world. As soon as Covid restrictions abate, l am looking to do a 4 month Interrail (3+1). It is something of a bucket list trip and one l am looking forward to enormously. 

I am a "groundhopper" (l visit football stadiums) and will visit every top division ground in the Netherlands, Romania, Italy and Spain. I will also visit many others along the way. This trip will be the backbone of two books and l will also update comprehensively my own website

I know Spain well and am pretty knowledgeable about European and English football. If l can help in any way, please don't hesitate to shout.

Feliz viaje - Safe travels - Trevlig resa. 

Userlevel 1

Ich möchte im Sommer24 mal für 3Monate Interrail machen. 

Habt Ihr einen Tipp,wie ich das am besten organisieren?

Ich möchte z.B.gerne die Nordlichter sehen,mal nach Amsterdam, auch GB&Irkand will ich sehen.

Aber natürlich auch mal nach Gibralter&an die portugiesische Küste.

Desweiteren steht selbstverständlich auch der Gladier Express auf meiner Liste.In Italien sollte man auch mal gewesen sein.😉Ich könnte mir vorstellen da von Nord nach Süd zu reisen& zum Schluss nach Griechenland mit dem Schiff.

Geld das Ticket eigendlich auch für die Türkei?Wenn ja,wie weit?Istanbul liegt schließlich z.T.auch in Asien.

Wenn Ihr mehr über mich wissen wollt, fragt doch einfach. 😋🤔

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Ich möchte im Sommer24 mal für 3Monate Interrail machen. 

Habt Ihr einen Tipp,wie ich das am besten organisieren?

Ich möchte z.B.gerne die Nordlichter sehen,mal nach Amsterdam, auch GB&Irkand will ich sehen.

Aber natürlich auch mal nach Gibralter&an die portugiesische Küste.

Desweiteren steht selbstverständlich auch der Gladier Express auf meiner Liste.In Italien sollte man auch mal gewesen sein.😉Ich könnte mir vorstellen da von Nord nach Süd zu reisen& zum Schluss nach Griechenland mit dem Schiff.

Geld das Ticket eigendlich auch für die Türkei?Wenn ja,wie weit?Istanbul liegt schließlich z.T.auch in Asien.

Wenn Ihr mehr über mich wissen wollt, fragt doch einfach. 😋🤔

Willkommen für die Fragen ambesten noch mal einen eigenen Post erstellen statt es hier unter diesem Post auszudiskutieren :) 

Userlevel 1

Berlin wäre eine Option.

Leider habe ich noch immer keinen Dienstplan.Wenn Du möchtest, melde Dich gerne nächste Woche bei mir. 

LG Klaus 
