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Hello everyone, 

Another Dutch citizen joining the platform! I'm 30 years of age and started travelling in 2017. I did a trip every year since then.

I hope I can continue this tradition again in 2021!

Hello! My name is Michela and I live in Italy. In life I think I have not traveled enough... I discovered Interrail a few months ago, and I'm planning a wonderful trip for the month of January. Hoping that there are no hitches due to the health emergency... Fingers crossed for me!
I'm happy to join this amazing community 🧳

My name is Don from Vancouver, BC, Canada, my wife, Barb, and I have decided to travel to Europe for the first time. We have been retired for several years now and most of our other travels were south to Mexico, Hawaii and Caribbean Islands, so this trip will not be like anything we have done before but looking forward to travelling by rail, so we may need some help.

Looking forward to visiting historical sites, sight seeing and trying local foods, this fall. We have 6 weeks, starting in Amsterdam heading south, stopping along the way, ending up in Rome.


Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

I never got to travel when I was I younger due to family/financial commitments. So at the age of 62 I have just bought a 2 month continuous interrail pass for Europe. I am nervous but excited & enjoying doing the research into where I want to go. It's never too late.

Fritz here. Scots-American resident in Amsterdam with my husband the past ten years.  Recently retired and trying to travel more but fly less.  Excited to be part of the community

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Hello all,

I’m Dheeraj, 27 yrs old from India and currently living in Italy. I love travelling a lot and meeting new people from different cultures.

I am very fortunate enough to live in five countries (India, U.A.E, The UK, Spain and Italy). 

As I’ve got a few months of visa left and I am planning to do Interrail to Prague (The city which is always on my bucket list) and maybe visit my friend in Poland whom I met during Erasmus in Spain. 

I am very much into exploring old towns and buildings. Currently planning a budget Interrail trip and feel free to provide me with any suggestions on travelling from Rome to the Czech Republic or nearby countries. 



Bonsoir, je viens de faire mon premier voyage grâce à un pass. Je suis partie, avec ma fille ado, une semaine de France vers narvik en Laponie norvégienne. Nous n'avons passé qu une journée sur place,  il fallait rentrer les vacances ne sont pas extensible mais c était une très bonne expérience. J'ai hâte du prochain voyage ! De magnifiques paysages,  plusieurs langues, quel dépaysement et un rythme vraiment différent des autres vacances.  Je recommande !

Userlevel 7
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I have booked my flight from Singapore to Zurich on the 3rd Dec 2021. Thereafter travelling to Paris, Berlin, Milan, Rome and back to Zurich all in 18days.

So much information in the web and some are really confusing. Should I use Eurail or Swiss pass?

Sounds like a case for Eurail, since you will also be travelling outside of Switzerland and probably mainly on the main rail routes.

Userlevel 1

Hello Fellow Travelers.

My wife and I are 65 years old, retired, and live in Houston, Texas, USA. We haven’t traveled very much but we are excited to make up for lost time. We wetted our appetites by traveling to Ireland and Italy recently. 

Since we’re retired we have flexibility around when and how long we take trips. We’re planning on traveling by rail around Europe in May 2023 for the entire month. Other than those details we’re wide open to suggestions regarding where to visit and things to consider. 

We’re delighted we found this forum and we are looking forward to learning from each other and sharing suggestions and experiences. 

Happy travels!



Hello all People folks!

My name is Ville, I am environmentalist minded electronic music enthusiast based inTurku, Finland, - I managed to get a hold of Interrail's 50 years anniversary travel pass for 2 months, and I’ve been traveling for bit more than two weeks now. :) 

What I hope from this journey, is -first and foremost- to meet people after such a long time, get to know new people, and visit friends & friends of friends across Europe. 

My other interests would be meeting up with grass roots environmental activists, alternative communities, artists, environmental/sustainability minded people academic or not, burner-community, etc.

I’d also be happy to meet up with small local underground electronic music organizations like TYEMYY (Turku based community),  Dj's, clubs, event organizers, producers etc. to hook up and, if possible, I'll happy to play Dj-sets as well. I am prepared to play anything from techno, house, 90-trance, to ambient and chill out stuff. I don't mean this so much as a super professional thing, but rather more along the lines of rave community, Peace Love Unity Respect kind of thing - again to meet up with people and get inspired together- but yes also to, who knows, to plan possible bookings to play in Turku underground and vice versa, too. 🙂 I've played sets for dance floors 10 years now, but mainly in Turku, so I'm happy to take this also as a spontaneous 10 years adventure tour, too

So if you want to share tips on local electronic music communities or share similar interests, feel free to PM me :) 

All these are possibilities - but the trip is also just for chilling and seeing new things, hopefully dancing to some good music and enjoying a discussion and cold drink with friends - new or old. 🙂

Ps. I am currently in Leipzig and probably heading next to Dresden, Prague, Budapest … still got 6 weeks left on my pass, still a lot of opportunities for spontaneous travel plans! :)

Posing in woodsy environment of Turku, Finland


Hey Everyone, 


I am Lee from the Philippines, it’s my first time to travel solo in Europe nextweek 😍, a bit anxious and excited. I wanna to explore european style and culture and hopefully meet random interesting people😇. Also, looking for a travel buddy who is czary like me😂. 

I can’t wait to see you all. Cheers!

Hi there, I’m Jacky, daughter of a travel agent who has been in the business 50+ years. (Proud to say my mom was voted best travel agent in Canada!) the travel bug was passed on from my mom to me, and I have passed on to my kids too. I’m a Canadian teacher who is planning an epic tour of Europe summer 2022, with kids and husband. I’m hoping to reach out to some people and get some good itineraries, thinking of starting in Paris, then to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Czech, Amsterdam then back to Paris. Can’t wait!

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Hello! Nice to meet you all!

I’m in my gap year and started the interrail adventure 4 days ago!

Left from France, currently in Netherlands, heading to Greece. 

I would be really happy to meet new people on the way and i’m quite flexible on countries I’ll visit so let’s make plans together!

I already met people with this really nice website for interrailers: 

See you around! 

Hello, never heard of the website Inntouch and thank you for sharing it. Hope you having a great Interrailing adventure.

I am residing in Turkey. But I came to Germany with the Erasmus program and I am living here until October 2022. My permanent residence is in Turkey. Right now, I will take advantage of the 50% discount of the interrail pass and buy a ticket where I can travel unlimited for a month. I will start my journey in Germany and finish it in Germany. Is this a problem? In the ticket information, it is said that there is only one right to go and one return to the country of residence. In this case, if I start from Germany, can I use it once in Germany? Do I have to start my trip from Turkey?



Userlevel 7
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Sadly I found out about the “travel in your own country only on outbound and inbound journeys”. At the moment I am not sure if you have to actually cross the border on that outbound journey or just get close to it. Since I have yet another cousin live at Flensburg close to the Danish border and it would make so much sense to stay with her before heading on to Norway or Sweden.

You can basically use 2 of your travel days in your country of residence, whether you cross a border or not. For any additional travel days in your country of residence, you'll have to buy extra tickets. Flensburg is actually not too bad, since the extra ticket would only be from Flensburg to Flensburg Grenze (buy from DB ticket office) and would not cost very much. For any more questions, just post a separate question.

Hi my name is Giovanni, am from a little island in the caribbean named Puerto Rico. I’m 58. I like to travel with my wife, friends and family and learn about other cultures. Previously I have traveled to Spain, Italy and France. I really enjoyed traveling by train in Spain and Italy. We are planning to travel to Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic next May. I hope to learn from you how to make the most of the trip.



Hi, I'm Jill...a 50 something Chartered Surveyor based in Cambridge (UK). Off interailing with my partner in Sept third time! The first 2 were in the late 80's... highlights being seeing Pink Floyd playing in Venice...the night boat crossing to Greece...Corinth...beach parties in the south of France...and the many travellers I met / travelled with along the way 

Booked first class this time...looking forward to a bit of instead of camping and sleeping on trains! 

Got a loop planned taking in some new places and returning to some old... counting the days!

Hi all! 

From Ireland here. We are currently planning to do some travelling in June 2023 -  never done interrailing before. Here for some advice, tips, trick and suggestions. 

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah, from Western Canada and I am passionate about seeing new places,  learning about new (to me) cultures, and trying new things. I haven't traveled nearly enough, but I am trying to remedy that. 

I have never traveled before on s train (!) But I am booked for the spring to fly to Rome and plan to make my way up to Paris, by train! I have many questions, but am very excited for the adventure, experience, scenery, and wine! 

Hiya I’m Liz from the US, I’m a Southern California Girl.

I love to travel (I know a shocker there), Scuba Dive, Dance and Sing.  I’m also an animal person.  I have many of them.  Horses, goats pigs (yes in multiples), chickens, dogs, cats and an Albino Corn Snake.  

I have had the travel bug since I was a child many years ago.  Until late into my 40’s I had traveled to more countries than states.  I have since rectified that :D

I love the rail system across the pond (Europe).  They are on time, many of them, easy to ride and get tickets for.  The light rail is light years ahead of us here in the US.  The fast trains are amazing.  Comfortable and VERY fast.  I remember the first time I rode on one with my husband and our fast train crossed another fast train we were just amazed.  So, in essence I love train travel.

Hello folks, hope you're doing well

This is J.D Nicholls, Open Source Contributor and Founding Full-Stack Engineer at BAXUS! 

Creator of @proyecto26, an initiative through which I aim to change the world through small contributions, ranging from the creation of Open Source projects to the development of socially impactful applications, where security and transparency are paramount.

I am traveling across Europe and the world, engaging with various tech communities focused on Blockchain, AI, and emerging technologies!

J.D traveling in Lisbon


Userlevel 1

Hallo Grüezi!

Ich heisse Rampi und komme aus der Schweiz. Meine Leidenschaft ist auch das Zugfahren in Europa natürlich wenn ich Ferien habe aber sonst fahre ich fast jeden Tag Hin und Zurück mit dem Zug zur Arbeit. Meine erste Reise mit Interrail ist schon paar Jahre her da hatte ich den One Country Pass für Deutschland wo ich Köln, Berlin und Stuttgart besuchte. In diesem Jahr April 2023 hatte ich einen Global Pass meine Reise startete in Basel-Paris-London-Brüssel-München. Es war eine tolle Reise mit dem Zug was ich auf jedenfall vorziehen werde im gegensatz zum fliegen. Eine nächste Interrail Reise ist in Planung aber noch nicht entschieden falls ja wären das meine Wunschroute:

  1. Stockholm-Kopenhagen-Hamburg
  2. Luzern-Venezia-Ljubljana-Zagreb-Bratislava-Wien

Ich wünsche allen Leuten die gerade auf eine Reise sind eine gute und sichere Reise:)


Hi, newbies! We are ​​​​​super excited to have you here with us! :raised_hands:

With many new members, with an interest for European train travel, joining the forum, we think it’s important to create a space for you to share a little more about yourself.

Maybe you are new to the community or haven’t had a change to say hello! Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and your aspirations.

So, let's all introduce ourselves  

What's your name? Where do you come from? What are you passionate about? What do you love about train travel and Europe? 

Of course feel free to add anything more. You can share your favorite vacation spot, favorite book, place on your bucket list, picture of your pet, etc. Anything you’d like to share!

-- If you happen to see anyone who is new to the community feel free to share this thread with them!

Hey I'm Matt. 21 years old. Completely new to interrailling and this community. Unsure if I pressed the right button to reply to this post. 

I am from the Netherlands, specifically North Holland. Currently studying Pedagogical Sciences with a deeper interest in clinical/forensics. I enjoy trying new things, cars, games, canoeing. Train travel hasn't been a good first impression. First time I travelled by train outside the Netherlands, was to London where there was a 5 hour delay. Thing I love about Europe, is how everything is just around the corner. It amazes me everything how quickly you can be in a different country with a variety of dialects and cultures. 

Hola world

Bobbyg, from california with stays in Holland/Italy/Kuwait on business.  still loking forward for this vicious to go away so I can continue to travel Europe!


Hi! I’m Brendon, a transport photographer from the Boston area of the USA, and currently living in New York.

I had a revelation when COVID hit that I haven’t traveled nearly enough, with the only other country I’d visited at that point in my life having been Canada. Wanting to make up for lost time, I set out to travel more, and have since visited the UK and The Netherlands, doing a ton of transport photography all over TfL in London, some British Rail, as well as Eurostar, NS, and local trams and metros in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Den Haag. 

For my next trip, I intend to make full use of the steep discounts (in the form of reservation fees with a Eurail pass) on as many night trains as I can, visiting Paris, Berlin, Milan, Zurich, Vienna, and many many more smaller cities, photographing the beauty of public transport all over Europe, and fantasizing about what a similar network would look like in my home country.

Some of my favorite transport systems that I’ve photographed so far include the NYC Subway, Toronto’s streetcars, London’s Elizabeth Line, San Francisco’s cable cars and historic streetcars (donated from around the world!), and Den Haag’s red and cream-colored trams.

Some of my favorite transport systems that I haven’t yet photographed yet include the trams in Lisbon, Porto, Milan, and Brussels (I’ve seen some photos from Tervuren that look AMAZING and I’d like to get a few for myself), as well as the railways all over Tokyo Prefecture in Japan.
