Technical difficulties- check out 50% pass

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I have the same problem...

Same problem. Not possible to buy 50% discount tickets but online and the online shop gives HTTP error 503. Railway stations open too late in Finland to purchase one from there.

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you

I am having the same issue.


Gateway Timeout

We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Try reloading the page, or come back later.

HTTP error 504

Userlevel 1

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you

But they don’t sell mobile passes just paper one with 35 GBP costs for shipping...

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you

But they don’t sell mobile passes just paper one with 35 GBP costs for shipping...

really? When I tried to pay I could choose a mobile pass and it worked, I’ll see if I find a friend with a credit card if it works I’ll answer again

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you

But they don’t sell mobile passes just paper one with 35 GBP costs for shipping...

i was able to select a molbile pass...but i’m not sure if i can buy at if i’m not in the country and not a British national...

same problem… :(

The UK website works! 

I just booked my ticket on this website (from the Netherlands), thank you! I used a credit card, I'm not a British citizen and I chose the Mobile delivery option. It was even €4 less than the price on the EU website!

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you


have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you

But they don’t sell mobile passes just paper one with 35 GBP costs for shipping...

i was able to select a molbile pass...but i’m not sure if i can buy at if i’m not in the country and not a British national...

Where can you choose the mobile pass? I can’t find it. It just says “Now available as a mobile pass” but I don’t find where.. 

What is the supporting mail address, where I can write to?

I just booked my ticket on this website (from the Netherlands), thank you! I used a credit card, I'm not a British citizen and I chose the Mobile delivery option. It was even €4 less than the price on the EU website!

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you


did the same...hope it worked :D

Userlevel 1

ok, but I can’t order multiple passes… I tried but it says the passes must be unique!? Is there a limitation to 1 discounted pass per person?

I have the same problem. It says that the service is unavailable and that they are preforming maintenance

have the same problem. saw on twitter that the UK website of interrail works.


I tried and you can proceed to checkout and pay but I don’t have a credit card sadly… maybe it still helps some of you


Thank you Sven! It works!!!!!!

They just answered that they extended the sale to 6 am CET 

Userlevel 1

Really? I bought one pass and now received this email:

Can we help?


Interrail by National Rail <


Dear Customer

We’ve noticed that on your recent visit to Interrail by National Rail you left without completing the purchase of your InterRail pass.

If you would like to complete your order you can do so by simply clicking on the Back to Site link below.



Thank you Sven! It works!!!!!!


Same here:((

Same problem here. Trying to call Dutch Railway ticket-office for assistance.


In the queue for 20 minutes..😥

It took me half an hour and then they told me it is an interrail problem and they can’t do anything about it….

Same here. (Don’t get through)

On the facebook site of interrail they say that interrail uk is another company; if there are issues you have to deal with them not 

Does somebody know the support email adress? i can’t find it :(


It doesnt work for me either. The english site doesnt work for me as well.

Same here been trying trough for dutch citizens as well no success
