Please do not make these optional reservations on, they're way more expensive than :
- 3€ per train on
- 4.50€ per journey on You can check occupation there too.
No booking fee on either website.
If the train is full, then you'll have to stand but it's unlikely : low occupation expected and lots of available seats on I'd make one for peace of mind on mainlines like Hannover - Berlin.
You are never guaranteed a seat on a train you don’t have a reservation for.
To check how busy German trains are use it gives an indicator for each train based on bookings and historical data, you can also proceed with a seat booking and see a map of all free seats.
it is also a better place to book seats.
Please do not make these optional reservations on, they're way more expensive than :
- 3€ per train on
- 4.50€ per journey on You can check occupation there too.
No booking fee on either website.
If the train is full, then you'll have to stand but it's unlikely : low occupation expected and lots of available seats on I'd make one for peace of mind on mainlines like Hannover - Berlin.
Yup I did not make any reservation on eurail site. I am just wondering if some trains they did not put “seats reservation required” or “seats reservation recommended” , is it possible for me to just board the train and sit anywhere.
Reservations are optional for the first two trains you mentioned. You can board and find an unreserved seat, or switch places when someone comes waving with a seat reservations.
On German trains, 15 minutes after departure any untaken reserved seats get released, so everyone that wants can sit there too.