All good. Almost nobody books reservation for domestic travel in Switzerland.
Indeed, no worries about full trains too. Frequency is good, capacity too. As it says, ready to board whenever you want without the need to reserve.
Sometimes it's simple and easy. It's not always a semi-scientific research to find the right times and seat reservations 
Youre not talking here about the Ghan: 1/month or so to the Springs. Its just like the Sinny or Mel suburbans bu State or VicRail: just get on if ticket OK. On a slightly larger scale. Works like that about anywhere in West-Eur. Only those long-dist hi-speed trains in FR, ES, IT and this €* (in fact the same) need you to RES. And even that does not need to happen right when it opens-its not about eh 2 very lowest price airtickets.
In the past people could read all that as prep in a decent guidebook-seems to be completely forgotten nowadays.
PRICes for normal tickets-so you can see how much you save, will be shown of course on the national istes- like But what you DO need to check with pass in CH is if all those steep goupthemountains lines will accept it-most do not or give discount. And thats mostly what tourists going there want to do