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Benelux Pass to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges

Hi. I’m from South Africa, planning to visit Netherlands and Belgium next year in April. I want to make sure before I book:

Can I buy the Benelex pass to travel from Amsterdam to Bruges, and then make daytrips from Bruges to other cities? And then I want to travel back to Amsterdam. Then I want to travel around the Netherlands as well.

If I fill in the trip planner the Benelux pass is not one of the options I can buy, so I just want to make sure if it will work..



Hey, yes sure. You can buy the Eurail Benelux Pass. 

Here the link with more Information: Benelux Pass |

For the journey between Amsterdam-Rotterdam and Antwerpen-Brussel use the IC direct services instead of the high speed train Thalys. 1. it does not need a reservation 2. it runs on the same line, but it is not so fast and stops more often than the Thalys. Trains run every hour. 

BUT it may not be the best buy-as NMBS=Belgian rail offers quite cheap other tickets-mostly for ju/Senior. IF you book at least 1 week advance there are also lower prices 9and not even tied toa specific train) fro any trip NL-Any place in BE (most be specified) via the Breda-Antwerpen way.

But all may change next yr-its way too early to know-we can only tell how it is now.
