
Can I prove UK residency with settled status?

  • 10 May 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi there, 

I was just about top purchase an Interrail Pass when I got to details of proving your residence. As a Polish citizen, I live in the UK with a settled status. My only ID documents (passport/ID) card have been issued in Poland. 

The only document issued by UK government proving my settled status is essentially an electronic letter. I read in T&C document that electronic proof of residency is not accepted on Interrail. 

Should I purchase the pass stating that I am a UK resident? Any advise would be appreciated!



Best answer by Camilo. 6 September 2022, 21:51

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Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Dzien dobry, panie.

CAN you print that letter out? Then it would cover you. Or is there something from the local council stating you live there permanently?

OR is it in fact your intention to travel a lot on PKP? to see all the relatives etc? IF you  choose that, you are only entitled to 2 days of travel- OUT and IN-not necessarily in that order.

For matters like yours there is not really a definite answer-the rules are based on old style, also when UK was still In the EU.

IF you choose UK as ´home´ then you MAY encounter probs In PL (ONLY-for there rest it will not matter) if PKP-conductors ask for more documentations.

Hi @mcadv,

Thank you for your response 😊 Yes, the settlement status confirmation can definitely be printed out but all it shows is that I have an “indefinite leave to remain” (similarly to a visa) rather than confirming that I am a resident. I am not sure if the letter would be sufficient in this case. I’m not sure what other documents I could use to show that I am a UK resident. 

To answer your question - I don’t intend to travel much around Poland, just to pop over to visit my home town along a wider trip around Europe, so it will be one day in and another day out sort of journey. 

From my experience staff on PKP lines can be challenging (though that can be just my experience!) so I want to make sure that I have correct pass and documents with me. 

Hi Magdalena! Did you find any clarity regarding this? I’m in a similar position: a pre-settled Swede in the UK also wondering if a document proving that status would suffice as proof of residency in the UK.

Considering bringing a copy of my tenancy agreement or an NHS letter, don’t know if that would make any difference to a Swedish train conductor though. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @Magdalena B. 

In order to demonstrate your place of residence, you must have an official document issued by the country of residence such as resident visa or permanent visa. If you are unable to provide this, you would have to purchase a Global Pass with Poland as your country of residence. 

Have a lovely day!
