Can I use my mobile pass in Switzerland?

  • 26 May 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone 

bit of a dilemma- ordered my eurail global pass, I’m doing a few weeks in Italy then Switzerland for a week.

I had to book the Mobile pass as the website said the paper pass wouldn’t be delivered until July 5th but my trip begins June 18. 
I’ve since read somewhere that Switzerland doesn’t accept the mobile pass, just the paper. Is that true?
I won’t get the paper pass delivered to Italy in time to use there, but then I can only use paper in Switzerland…
thank you!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

That is not true. My father used a mobile Interrail pass in Switzerland during Easter without problem. 

Ok thank you! Thought it was strange! Not like Switzerland to fall behind with technology 😂
