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I was wondering about the following situation: if I am currently living in Germany but are a British Citizen, can I buy a Interrail Global Pass for UK?


Here is written that this is possible, but I wanted to double check: 


There are NO global passes for UK only-global means all of EUR.

What you likely mean is what is ´homecountry´ in your case-and as you link to, yes, IF and only IF you have official govt issued proof you are now registered in DE you can use that as homecountry=only trip OUT and IN allowed.

UK is known to be rather strict about this-they call it ´revenue protection´

Hi Mcadv,

Thanks for the answer! 

But why can´t I get a global pass if I am an UK citizen? This website says otherwise: 

Is there somewhere more current information? If so, could you send me the source? 

And, in case the above link is correct, can I then buy an Interrail Pass with my country of residence being in UK although I am currently registered in Germany? 

Thanks a lot in advance! 

Hi Mcadv,

Thanks for the answer! 

But why can´t I get a global pass if I am an UK citizen? This website says otherwise: 

Is there somewhere more current information? If so, could you send me the source? 

And, in case the above link is correct, can I then buy an Interrail Pass with my country of residence being in UK although I am currently registered in Germany? 

Thanks a lot in advance! 

Ah and to be clear: I would like to buy this pass: 

Interrail has nothing to do with EU or Brexit. Interrail works just as before for UK citizens and residents. 

If you live in Germany and have an official proof that you are a German resident, then you should buy a global pass with Germany as your country of residence even if you have a UK passport. You must bring the proof that you are a German resident on your trip. 
