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I won an interrail pass with discover EU but my friend (with whom I registered) ha dont received it because her address has been hacked…..

How can I contact The organisers quickly to claim thé pass? 
Have you ever experienced this situation? 

thank you very much. 

The contact adress should be somewhere on your mails-THIS forum has no access or knwoledge about this.

Ask directly the #DiscoverEU Team, you should have the contact address from them on your email.

Thanks! But I I have already sent emails: no answer.

It’s quite urgent that’s why I’ m looking for other ways or other informations. 

@Mila Le Masson you can also ask directly the costumer service of Interrail. But they will reply fast only to people that are traveling now or starting to travel in the next 2 weeks. 

Can we contact them by phone? 

Can we contact them by phone? 

No, you can try also via social media. 
