Yes, it’s very easy. When you plan your journey from A to B, you get some results. Then you just scroll down and see a “Can’t find your journey? Add it manually to your Pass”.
Click and and you’ll be able to add a train manually. You just need to add stations, and departure/arrival dates and times. Which can be found at the timetables in any station or the local transporters apps or websites.
But most of the trains are perfectly findable in the planner, I think it’s 3 years ago since I last had a train that wasn’t on it. No worries, it works well ;)
Often trains will appear closer to the travel date. Or you have to use a filter to fore a certain train or route.
But some trains are indeed not in the app, e.g. regional trains around Bologna in Italy.
As above. Just wait until nearer the time, Ava your problem might be solved. No need to add the trains now.
If you do need to add it manually, I think it’s petty simple. The origin, destination and date are already there from your search. Just add the times. The train number is optional.
Yes; I was especially wondering about things like ‘train numbers’ or even train types or official names of stations (in different languages!) etc; and how I would necessarily even know this sort of thing (assuming I had just turned up at a busy station and taken the next available service).
For all the ins and outs of European train travel, we usually refer to this website: . I Think you’ll find most of your information.
As for other details about planning, stations, train types and numbers,… Best use . is the German rail planner, but has information about almost all of Europe.
If you just type in the English name of a place, it’ll give you the route to the main station in the original name (that’s where you want to be in 9/10 occasions anyway)..