Dear. I bought 3 months, 1 class. Wondering: When does it start. First day of activating on app or first day of Travel?i am New never had app.
Can i activat it in app now and Travel in 6 months or i have to active it in app and start to Travel because activating in app means 3 months starts now? Thanks.
The validity starts on the date you select during the activation process:
However, there is no need to activate in advance.
BIG THANK YOU:). So it means i can activate it, dont choose the first day as i do not know it. And it will start 3 months from the day i first use it in the train or make a reservation? Once again many thanks.
When you activate the pass, the app will ask you to select a start date. You can't activate without selecting a date. Your 3 months will then start from the date you select, whether you use the train or not. That's why the advice is not to activate in advance: you can only cancel activation until 23:59 CET before the validity starts; if something unexpected happen on the start date you selected, then it will be too late to cancel activation.
Making reservations is completely separate. It does not have any influence on the activation. You can also make reservations without activating the pass.
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