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My family have just come home from our first interrail trip (Örebro, Sweden - Nimes, France). It sais on our global passes, that we can send them in, and get a gift. Where shall we send them?

The pass cover, when folded, has the address on the backside. Just remove the pass from the cover, fold it, glue it (there's a "glue line”) and then post it. No stamp necessary.

I have the information that there is currently no gift when you send the pass back :/

Maybe @Nanja or @Leo  can say if Eurail still send gifts :)

Je pa dej!

The reason for this has been since this Pass was sold; the railway companies want to know-roughly-what trips were made on which railway-the income will roughly be divided up that way. Tradtionally most passses were sold in NORTH of EUR but used in SOUTH of EUR-so the takings were shifted that way. But this is changing gradually and its also the main reason why the new online passes are now sold and promoted-then this happens automatically. in the past 99,95% of passes were simply sold over the counter by the participating railways companies-also by SJ at the Örebra stasjonen!

The last time I got this '’present'’ it was a portable USB-stick with the EUrail logo on it-since then I did not bother again to do it. It took many, many yars before they realised many people wanted their pass back as souvenir and then they did it-but with many reported errors. IF you want it, you can indicate it somewhewre on the cover.

Unfortunately, we do not send gifts anymore in exchange of Passes. You probably have an old Pass, as this information was removed. 
