I was reading the benefits of the pass and one in Switzerland was you have access to 2 free trains (ie grand tour) with a Eurail pass...my question is if one buys the 5 day pass and uses the last day to get to Zurich, is the pass still good for the free trains?
Best answer by seewulf
Free offers like Regioexpress and S-Bahn zürich always need a travelday ;)
Eurail just advertise them as (reservation-) free because many travlers thought they need expensive reservations on top of these of Eurail for these trains like for Glacier or Bernina Express ;)
You have a full 5 days to ride trains and on THOSE days (written on paper pass, activated on mobile) you can use as many trains as you can fit in. In fact what you likely mean in Swiss are some routes, served by both (mostly hourly) local trains=just hop on, cannot reserve and also on some lines a luxury touristy train-with high supplmt (as it often also includes some food/drinks or guide-thats all very expensive in Swiss). Some of these are only seasonal-or it may even be a special car attached to a normal train. So if you just find your seats in the normal trains/cars you have the very same views and routes and not pay 1 CHF more.
Below are Switzerland benefits that I was talking about. I just want to know if I have to add more days to the pass for this.
Eurail Pass holders can enjoy a free journey on RegioExpress Lötschberger for free. Eurail pass holders can travel for free on the S-Bahn in Zürich. Eurail Pass holders travel for free on this scenic train, traveling over 291 bridges and through 91 tunnels.
Regardless of whether it’s free or not, I can highly recommend a trip on the Lötschberger. It uses the original, scenic line over the Lötschberg Pass whereas all other trains on the Lötschberg route use the new Lötschberg Base Tunnel.
Although the new route is quicker, there’s not much of a view from an umpteen mile long tunnel !
Free offers like Regioexpress and S-Bahn zürich always need a travelday ;)
Eurail just advertise them as (reservation-) free because many travlers thought they need expensive reservations on top of these of Eurail for these trains like for Glacier or Bernina Express ;)
We travelled extensively in Switzerland a couple of years ago, but none of the trains we used required reservations. This was pre-covid, but there was plenty of room on all the train although they were noticeable busier at the weekends.
The only reservations that we had were on the Eurostars to and from Paris and the TGVs from Paris to Basel and back.